September 1st 2009

Greetings in the Marvelous Name of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ

I'm glad I have been washed in the Blood. I'm grateful that I know whom I have believed. Glory to God and the Lamb forever!!!!!!!!

I had a great day on yesteray. Praise be to God for all He did throughout the day.

Pray for me today as I go to the hanger and help out Bro. Don on the Cessna 402.

If you need me for anything do not hesitate to write.

God Bless you all.

Preacher T. Bell

Missionary Tim Isbells storage container now safe and secure on the back forty!!

August 31st, 2009

Greetings in the Matchless Name of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ

What a wonderful morning the Lord has blessed us with. I love the crisp feel of the air. I can tell the seasons are changing. I look out my window as I type this blog and it's still dark where it use to be light at this time (5:33a.m.). Winter is coming and it won't be long until the snow if flying.

What a day the Lord blessed us with on yesterday. Praise the Lord for His goodness all throughout the day. The God of Heaven granted liberty as I preached from the precious Word of God. We ended up putting out extra chairs both services with over 100 in attendance in the morning and evening. To God be the Glory great things He hath done. No one was saved on yesterday but I praise the Lord that the saints of God were stirred. Glory to God for all He hath done.

The services on the Island were great on yesterday with two visitors. The Lord once again granted grace and power as the Word was preached.

Today I will be going golfing this morning with my boy. I haven't played in a week so it will be interesting to see how I do. After that I will fly to Millinocket to pick up Bro. Dave. (anybody want to go) Then some of the men will be moving Bro. Isbells stuff into the storage unit. Also I'm going to be stacking some wood this afternoon and working around the farm. It's a busy day of catch up after being gone for a week. I'm praying about a powerful week.

Pray for Don Wright and Gospel Flight as he works hard on the 402 to get it ready to go to Ohio. Next week he goes to Cameroon for a month. It's very busy at the hanger.

Have a glorious day.


August 30, 2009

Greetings in Jesus Name

Glory to God for the wonderful week in Christ. I had a great time preaching and singing down in Clarksville Va. The Lord blessed in a wonderful way as I preached on missions and church planting. I praise God for the Blue Stone Baptist Church and the wonderful week that I had there.

The traveling down and back was a blessing as I was able to get a direct flight from Boston to Raleigh. Praise the Lord for Mrs.Amy being able to go with me. We had a wonderful time as we celebrated our 20th anniversary. Actually our anniversary is not until the 16th of September but we got an early start.

I'm looking forward to a powerful day in the Lord here in Sanford and also in Islesboro. Pray that the God of Heaven would move in a supernatural way we worship Him!

Glory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whoopee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's real!!!!!!!!!!


August 24th 2009

I loved teaching these kids in Bible School
My beautiful wife and the preacher

Greetings in Jesus Name

To God be the Glory great things He hath done!!

We had a good day at church on yesterday. Both services were packed and the Spirit of God moved in a mighty way. Yesterday morning I preached on having a heart for the ministry and last night God the creater of the family. It was a blessing to be in church all day. We had two saved on yesterday and a total of six came forward last night to make public their profession. What a blessing to see all of these saved and the church growing.

This morning I'm busy in my study preparing for this week of missions conference in Virginia. My wife and I fly out today out of Boston to Ralaigh. Were looking forward to a good week together in meeting and fellowship one with another.

Thank you so much for your prayers for us.

Brother Bell

August 23rd 2009

Greetings in the Marvelous Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

I had a great day yesterday working all day long in my study on the bookcases. Praise the Lord that they are now done. Now it's time to put some books on them.

My boy and I played nine holes of golf last night. Elisabeth walked with us. We had a good time but I must say it was rather hotttttt and muggggggy!

I am so thrilled to be able to go to the House of God today. One of the definitions of revival is the spirit of expectation. I am expecting God to do great and mighty things today.

Pray for me all day long as I preach the Word of God.


August 22nd 2009

Greetings in Jesus Name

To God be the Glory for all the blessings that we experienced this week at Flight Camp. The kids at VBS loved the theme of flying. It was wonderful to see around 80 kids out every night learning more of the truths of God's Word.

Last night was a huge blessing with the Gospel of Christ being presented. At the end of the program many kids came forward to accept Christ as their personal Saviour. Also after the program I had the privilege of leading one of the moms to Christ. She is coming Sunday to make public her profession. Glory to God for all HE did!!!!

Miss Sarah Sibilio won the grand prize. Mrs. Amy and I will be taking her and her friends on their own personal date in one of the churches airplanes soon. This is a neat grand prize and I can't wait until the day it happens.

Today I'm excited to be in my study preparing to preach the Word of God tomorrow. Whoopee!!!!!! Pray that souls will be saved and the saints of God stirred as the Word of God goes forth.

I want to thank each of you that pray for my family as we serve the Lord here in the Northeast, winning souls and starting churches.

Brother Todd Bell

August 21, 2009

Greeting in the Wonderful and Marvelous Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

Our vacation Bible School is going great this week. We have had many decisions made throughout the week. I have enjoyed the class that I have been teaching. The Lord indeed is moving for which I am so grateful.

I sense if something is not done to continue to minister to these kids then it will be sin for us. So therefore on the 12th of September we are going to kick off Saturday Bible School. Every Saturday from 10:30 to 12 we are going to have Bible school for the neighbourhood. Our space is limited so we are just going to add a day. I realize that Saturday is a special day for most but I don't know what could be more special than reaching kids with the gospel. I have already made the decision that if I have to do it alone I will. Me must not let these kids die and go to hell. Their blood will be on our hands for doing nothing and living a selfish life.

Last night we were down just a little with 74 kids out. Their was well over 100 total every night counting the workers and the helpers. I am eternally grateful for the dedicated staff that we have had this week helping. To God be the glory for all that He is doing.

Tonight will be our closing program and we are looking forward to a wonderful time. Pray that many will be saved and lives changed because of the Gospel of Christ.


August 20th 2009

Greetings in Jesus Name

What a wonderful day we had on yesterday. To God be the Glory for all that was accomplished in Bible school last night. Once again we had well over 100 total with around 80 kids out for Bible School. Great things are happening for which I am so grateful to God.

Were looking forward to more of the same today as we serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I will be studying, visiting, soul-winning and teaching at Bible School. I might even possibly squeeze in a little golf.

Thank you for your prayers.


August 19th 2009 7:15 a.m.

Greetings in the Marvelous Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

It's a beautiful morning in Maine as I type this blog. The temperature is a balmy 73 degrees and we are headed up into the record breaking 90's.

I was thrilled with the opportunity to minister for the Lord yesterday. It's hard to find anybody outside because it is so hot. I still went out on my go-ped and tried to do some soul-winning. I praise God for this great tool of ministry.

Last night we broke our record attendance with 81 kids out. Many decisions were made throughout the night. My heart is broke with all of these little kids running around everywhere with seemingly no direction in life. May God continue to help us as we teach them the truths of the Word of God. We are pushing for over 100 tonight at Bible School.

Continue to pray for all the workers that the Lord would strengthen us and help us to be sharp and ready to minister to these kids. It's such a blessing to serve the Lord Jesus Christ and I do want to be my best for Him!!


August 18th 2009 6:45 a.m.

Greetings in the Strong Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

It's wonderful to be able to come to the keyboard daily and let you know all that God is doing. I praise His Name for the wonderful day that He blessed us with on yesterday. A little note about the weather. It has been in the mid 90's this week which is kind of unusual for here but I have been enjoying it. It wont be long until it will be cool and the frosty days of fall will be here.

Our first night of Bible school was a great success. We had over 70 kids there. The gospel was presented and many kids heard for the first time what Jesus Christ could do for them. Pray much for these kids. You can really see what a mission field they are when you minister to them.

I thank God for all the workers that have worked so diligently to work with the kids. To God be the glory for all that He is going to do this week.

My little go-ped is a great blessing to get me around town. It is a great tool of evangelism. I can get in and out of the streets lickity split. I'm looking forward to continuing to go out daily and invite kids to come out for Bible school. Pray now that we can fill up the buses tonight and the rest of the week.

God Bless each of you for praying.


August 17th, 2009 8:02 a.m.

Greetings in the Marvelous Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

I praise God for the good day that He gave us on yesterday. The Sunday School was great, the morning service was wonderful, and the evening service was exceptional.

I do praise God for the great day and how God is moving in our church.

This week is going to be tremendous with our VBS. Pray that souls are saved and the saints of God are encouraged as we serve the King. Pray especially for me as I will be out most everyday doing door to door work trying to see people come out to VBS and soul winning.

Pastor Todd Bell

August 16th, 2009 7:36 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

I'm sorry that I did not update on yesterday. We are having computer problems and now I have my laptop on-line. Hopefully my big computer will be fixed soon.

My day was blessed on Friday as I flew up to Stonington and Islesboro and went soul-winning. The Lord be praised for the oppurtunity to talk to many people on the island of Stonington. It was a joy to share the gospel with five fisherman down on the wharf. Who said you couldn't talk to hardened fisherman? Glory to God for all He is doing there.

My flights were good as the little C150 of Pastor Barbours served me well.

The final meeting at North Baldwin was good as I shared about what flight plan your on in life. The one that will take you to heaven or hell. I ended a great week there on preaching about the family.

Yesterday I studied and played in the club championship. I won my first match 4 to 2. Now I will see if I can win another one and keep winning. I pray the Lord's will be done. I am able to meet people there and testify to individuals that I would never be able to so therefore I enjoy it.

My wife and I worked on Bible school stuff in the afternoon. Your going to love what's hanging over the piano at church!

I moved my bookcases in the house in the evening. They look wonderful. Now I have to level them and put trim around them and they will be good to go.

I'm looking forward to a powerful day today in the Word of God. My heart is full as I think about the prospects of the day!!! Oh that the power of the Holy Ghost would fill each of us today as we worship and praise our Great God.


August 14 6:46 2009 6:46 a.m.

Greetings in the Marvelous Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

What a joy it is to write everyday of what our Great God is doing in and through the lives of the people of this great state. I am so grateful that God called us here to minister for Him.

My day was blessed on yesterday as I served Him all through out the day. I started out studying and feeding myself in the Word of God. My boy and I played a few holes of golf and then I flew to Portland to meet up with a pastor from Nova Scotia. I had a good time fellowshipping with them. I flew back home and got some wood for my bookcases and then was off to North Baldwin. The Lord once again blessed in power and great glory as I preached and taught about the family from the Word of God.

Today I am looking forward to flying out and doing some soul winning on the island of Stonington and back to Islesboro to meet with Bro. Schoppe and then back to Sanford to go soul winning at 4 at Calvary. Then I will be off to Baldwin to preach the last night and closing program of the Bible school. I praise the Lord for how He has helped me this week.

Pastor Todd Bell

P.S. My computer is down so I am updating this from Miss Eleanor's computer. I will have more video later when my computer comes back.

August 13th 2009 5:32 a.m.

Greetings in the Strong Name of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

Glory to God for all that He did on yesterday. I was busy a good part of the day working on the bookshelves. Lord willing today they will get sprayed and then possibly tommorow put into the house. It takes a while to build something when you build it out of solid wood. I will upload a picture when I'm done.

Bro. Arnold Worley with Transporters for Jesus ate lunch with us. It's always good to fellowship together. I appreciate his unique ministry. The service last night was a great blessing.

I am grateful for all that God is doing there at the North Baldwin Baptist Church. Moe the Motorbike took me up and back and we had a good time together. I have been able to save quite a bit of gas money driving the motorbike.

I understand that the services at Calvary were a great blessing last night. I appreciate Bro. Dave preaching the Word of God in my abscence. Thank God for the good folks at Calvary Baptist in Sanford Maine. To God be all praise for what He is doing in our local church.

Today I will be working on the bookshelves, studying for the renewing our families conference, working on dick the digger, and possibly getting a few holes of golf in. Continue to pray as I go to my last session tonight in North Baldwin. Oh yeah I forget to mention that I also am meeting a Pastor from Nova Scotia in Portland for lunch. As you can tell a very busy day and I do covet your prayers.

Pastor Todd Bell

August 12th 6:15 a.m.

Greetings in the Marvelous Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

What a joy it is to know that you are Born Again. How my heart is burdened for those that do not know the Saviour. It is very overwhelming when you think how many really are not saved. You feel like you are trying to move the sand of old orchard beach one grain at a time. May the Lord Jesus Christ help each of us to stay at it for Him. We must get the gospel out so they can hear their is a Saviour who loves them and died on the cross for their sins.

I spent most of the day yesterday working on my bookcases. Lord willing I will move them into the house today. They will not be finished but I will put them in place. Also my wife and I moved my desk. What a blessing to finally have that in place. A preacher without a desk and quiet place is like a hunter without a gun. My wife and I also ran all the wire up through the flooring for the computer. That was fun but the Lord helped. Thank the Lord for Bro. Dave helping out with the phone line. I messed it up at the box and he rescued me.

Speaking of Bro. Dave, him and Bro. Phillip went and picked up the shuttle bus yesterday. Now we will finish up a few things on the bus and paint it and it will be ready to roll.

The meeting last night was a great blessing. God moved in power and glory as I taught on the family. I ended up teaching for an hour and a half before I let the class go. To God be the Glory for what He is doing in the Renewing our Families Bible Conference there in North Baldwin Baptist Church.

Pray for me today as I work on bookcases and prepare for tonight. Pray also for Bro. Dave as he preaches tonight at Calvary. I'm praying for everyone at Calvary that they would have a great service tonight.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Bell

August 11th 2009 8:49 a.m.

Greetings in the Marvelous Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!!!

Just got back from an Airport Advisory Committee meeting. It went well but has put me a little behind with my updates.

My day yesterday was blessed of God. I worked alot on the bookcases. One is put together and the other one will be put together today. I also studied and prepared for the family Bible school I am preaching at in North Baldwin. The God of Heaven blessed in a tremendous way last night as I preached out of Joshua 24 on the family. I praise the Lord for how He helped me. I am thrilled about the prospects of tonight and all that God is going to do this week there in North Baldwin.

Thank you for praying for my travel. I enjoyed the motorcycle ride up and back but got lost coming back. It took me an hour to get home via almost Fryeburg but it was a beautiful ride.

Today I will be working on bookcases, moving my desk, and studying for tonight. It's going to be a wonderful day. Glory to God for all He is doing!!!!

Pastor Bell

August 10th 2009, 5:46 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

I pray each of you are having a marvelous Monday morning. This is the day the Lord hath made we will rejoice and be glad in it!! One of the first things I did this morning was put my hand in the air and praise the God of Heaven. He alone is worthy of our praise. Glory be to God for all He has done and is doing in each of our lives.

Our day yesterday was blessed! My my what a God we serve. I praise Him for how he helped in the Sunday School hour and in all the services. What a joy it is to be a part of an old fashioned church in 2009.

The flight on yesterday to the island was great as I took five with me. Mr. Mack flew us and did a great job. He's getting back into the saddle again. He's been a blessing to us these last several months. He has worked along side Don on the airplanes and here at the house.

I'm looking forward to getting my bookshelves put together today. I also will install them in the house and start the finishing process.

I am thrilled about studying and preparing for the family Bible School in North Baldwin. Pray that God uses me in a special way to help the families of that area. I am praying for a power packed time together.

Look at yesterday's blog and you will see a picture of Barter's Island. Bro. Carter took this church. Let's pray that the church will be built back up and he will be used in a mighty way there. God Bless each of you.

Pastor Todd Bell

August 9th, 2009 6:47 a.m.

A view of our flight this afternoon. This is Barters Island and to God be the Glory Bro. Jerry Carter took the church!!! Glory!!!
Greetings in the Strong Name of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ

What a glorious morning it is as I peak out through the shades and see the sun glaring in. It's currently 48 cool degrees. I'm ecstatic about this day and what it holds. May the God of Heaven move in power and glory as we worship Him!

My day was blessed yesterday as we went and heard Dr. Zacchary at the piano workshop in Manchester. We all learned alot and the fellowship was wonderful. Praise the Lord for those that went.

I got to work on my bookcases some in the afternoon. They are coming along nicely. I should have them installed and my study back to normal this week.

Pray fervently as I go to North Baldwin for a family Bible school. Pray that the Lord will encourage and help the families there in North Baldwin.

I'm am just thrilled about this day. Oh that God would move in power and glory on the meeting today. I pray that each of us does not have any hinderances in our life that would grieve the Holy Ghost.

God Bless each of you.

Pastor Todd Bell

August 8th, 2009 6:34 a.m.

Theirs a song that says, "I love the Lord, he heard my cry, he lifted me way up high, he set my feet upon the mountain high." Glory to God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's not impossible but it's hard to discourage a person that has a song in their heart.

It feels like fall out their this morning. The tempature is in the 40's and I LOVE it.

I'm looking forward to flying over to Manchester N.H. with a team of musicians from the church. We are going to have a good day. Glory!!!!! Well, Hallelujah!!! Have you ever noticed that it's fun to shout on the blog!

My day yesterday was so amazing. I ended up not going to Nova Scotia because of customs issues and thunderstorms etc.... It worked out and the evangelist is now on the cat going to Yarmouth that way.

I had a fun date with my wife last night. How exciting it is to spend time with her.

Pray for us that the dynamite of the gospel would be our portion tommorow in church. I can't wait!!!


August 7th, 2009 6:49 a.m.

Greetings in the Wonderful Name of our Saviour Jesus Christ

I had a great day on yesterday. Started out early in the morning with devotions and then Benjamin and I went golfing. We had a good time for a few hours and he beat me again. That's like four times in a row. I told him that it's hard to compete with someone that plays everyday and his dad only plays a couple times a week. Oh well, smile!!

I came home and worked on my bookcases for a while in the shop. They are progressing good. After that, my wife and I went on a little date down to a small airstrip in N.H. We had a good time together.

In the afternoon we got ready to go to Barters Island and left at 4 p.m. After a two hour drive we arrived at the church. There must have been around 60 people out for the service. To God be the Glory great things He is doing there on the island. What a joy it was to provide special music and hear the preaching of the Word of God. We took around 20 with us and I know our group was a blessing.

Today I will be in my study this morning and then make bookcases after that. Around 1p.m. I am taking a couple to Nova Scotia. Pray that God would give us traveling mercies and we would have good weather going and coming back. It's going to be a very busy day but then every day is that way.

It's wonderful to be used of the Lord to make an impact on people's lives.

Pastor Bell

August 6th, 2009 6 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

Wow, what a great time I had on yesterday. The Lord was with me throughout the day as He had promised he would be. I studied, worked around the house and counseled throughout the day. It was a very good day in the service of the king.

I praise God for the Church service last night. It just amazes me how God moves in and helps us to preach the Word of God. I had just a simple thought and the Spirit of God directed and filled and empowered. Glory to God!!!!!! All praise to Him!!!!

Today I will do much of the same that I have been doing all week. We are in the middle of a big renovation project at the farm. It's exciting to be able to do all of this but it is very time consuming. This to is part of the ministry.

Thank you for your prayers and love for us.


August 5th 2009 7:54 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

I am so thrilled about the prospects of going to the House of God tonight. Glory!!! Will you not pray that the God of Heaven show His power and glory in the meeting? Thank you in advance for praying for that.

It's wonderful to be in the center of God's will and enjoy serving Him. My heart breaks for those that are so miserable because they will not be obedient. May each of us be obedient to the One who shed His blood for us on Calvary.

My day was blessed on yesterday. It kind of went a different direction than I had planned but I'm confident the Lord's will was accomplished. Please be in prayer about the situation at the airport. Several has filed complaints to the FAA about our ministry. They have come and inspected and as far as we know have found nothing. Their are those that hate the gospel and despise those that propigate it. This does not alarm me or shock me. I am glad today that I'm on the winning side and I know Christ as my Saviour!! Well somebody say AMEN!!!!

I'm looking forward to studying today and making bookcases. Bro. Mack is busy putting the floor down in my new office that we are renovating. Alot of things are going on around the farm.

Please be in prayer about a meeting tonight at the town hall for our private way. Pray that everything will go good and they will pass it.

God Bless each of you.

Brother Bell

August 4th, 2009 9:15 a.m.

Greetings in the Matchless Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

It's wonderful to be at my own computer typing out all that God has been doing in my life these last several days. I will not be able to type out everything but will give you some highlights.

Our trip out to Milwaukee was very uneventful. Miss Eleanor took us to Boston last Thursday so we appreciate her help. She acts like she doesn't know what to do but don't let her fool you....... We went out on a non stop flight. We left at 6:50 a.m. and arrived there at 8:15 a.m. Not bad aye!!!!

For the next several days our day would consist and getting up early and having devotions and then we were off to the airfield. We looked at alot of planes and saw the huge airshow everyday. My boy and I had good fellowship together. It seems like the Lord may be working in his heart about a flying planes. I told him we would pray God's will be done. He loves the Pilatus and they fly those out of Portmouth N.H. He really would like for our ministry to have one so he could fly it for us.

Sunday was a powerful day of ministry. I appreciate all that prayed for the meeting. The Lord loosed me and allowed me to preach in the power of the Holy Spirit. I am careful to give Him the glory for this. Their was a good crowd of people at church (probably around 400) as I preached on "Seeking the welfare of the lost." To God be the glory for the great things that He did in the meeting.

On yesterday we were up at 2:30 a.m. and drove into Milwaukee to catch our flight. After we arrived at the airport at 4:30 I prepared my message for the afternoon. It was a blessing to study in the airport and hear the voice of God speaking so plainly. We flew back to Boston and got in around 9:15 a.m. Mom and dad picked us up for which I am grateful for that. We drove home to our airport where I got in the ministry plane and flew over to Vermont. There God blessed in power once again as I preached on "Why stand ye gazing." After preaching I flew back to Sanford and met up with around 30 people from church to go Barter's Island. To God be the glory for our church people. Oh how I love Jesus and the church He has entrusted me with!!!! Josh Demirrit got things settled last night about his soul. Praise the Lord for all that God did through the meeting. Our family enjoyed singing and I especially enjoyed the preaching.

Today I will be busy working around the house catching up on things. I possibly will be flying up to have lunch with Bro. Carter and pray with him. It's good to be back home!!

Love you all

Bro. Bell