July 24th 2009 6:44 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

What a wonderful day the Lord has blessed us with. It is raining very hard outside and I call these showers of blessings. God is so good to rain down blessings on each of us as we serve Him. He has equipped us with everything that we need to live a victorious life for Him. What a mighty God we serve.

My day was wonderful on yesterday. I relaxed a bit by doing some different activities. It was encouraging to just get my breath and be able to go at it again. I went golfing in the morning and then worked around the house all afternoon. My dad took me and Benjamin out to eat for supper. After that I went to church via live webcasting to the land of sky jubilee. It was a blessing listening to the Word of God being preached.

Today I am going to study and visit most of the day. Tonight I am meeting with a pastor to discuss an upcoming family Bible School. We are asking God to do a mighty work in the lives of His people during this time. It will be a full day of service and I just can't wait to see all that God has in store.

"Brethren Pray for Us"

Brother Bell

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