July 25th 2009 6:36 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

It's wonderful to be saved and sure of it. It's wonderful to be called saints. It's wonderful to be satisfied with my Saviour. It's just wonderful to be alive and kicking for Jesus. What a great day we have before us to serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lord's.

My day was an encouraging one on yesterday. I studied in the morning. My wife went to walmart and while she was there I did some visiting in the area and had alot of good contacts. After that I spent some time with Greg a journalist friend of mine. Then Pastor Will Kindred and family came down and we had some wonderful fellowship together as families. It was just a great day of service.

Today I'm excited about studying the Word of God and doing some more visiting. We also have all the young people coming over for a scavenger hunt, sandwiches and devotions. It's going to be a grand day.


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