March 12 2010 6:10 a.m.

Greetings in the Marvelous Name of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ

I praise God for Him saving an old wretch like me. I'm glad my sins are forgiven and I'm on my way to heaven. What a joy to know that God loves me and I love Him. Praise God for everything he has done and is doing, and is going to do in my life. A grateful heart is a heart that pleases the Lord and that's what I want to have. Complaining and being ungrateful is sin and it breaks our fellowship with our God. No more abiding in the vine when this happens and the sweet nutrients that come from that communion with the Saviour are GONE! Lord help us!

My day was very busy and exciting yesterday. In the morning I studied and then flew out to Islesboro. I was there for a few hours mentoring Bro. Bill. Flew home and looked at a staff house for our church. Then I picked up dad's counter top at Lowe's. I went out to eat with the preachers and a family in the church and then off to finance committee meeting. I made it home at 9 and then off to bed at 10.

Today I plan on studying this morning, submitting the building plan for our church and working at dad's house. What a joy to be in the middle of the greatest thing on earth, the Work of God!!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

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