April 12th 2010


What a wonderful day yesterday and a answer to prayer. I had the privilege of teaching a new converts class in the morning. The two new converts brought two visitors with them. I had the joy of leading both of them two Christ. Now we have four new converts I'm discipling. Isn't this fun!!!

The services were blessed on yesterday all day. I preached in the morning on the ordaining of elders and then flew to Auburn and picked up a family and went on to Islesboro. There I preached on the Great Work out of Nehemiah six. I flew back for choir practice and church. In the evening I preached on the Battles we face as Christians and how to get through them. I was a wonderful day.

Pray now for me as I will be flying down to Southington Ct. to be a part of a church planters meeting today. I am scheduled to preach at 11. Please pray that the God of Heaven would anoint us for the task.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

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