Greetings in Jesus Name
I had a wonderful day on yesterday. I was very busy with home items getting caught up after revival. Elisabeth sold her horse. We all delivered it to a lady in Buxton Maine. After that we had a wonderful time getting a bite to eat. Then my boy and I went and played nine holes of golf. I enjoyed the walk and actually played a good round. When we got home it was wood chopping time. We cut a truck load of wood and hauled it over to Willey the wood boiler. Then we worked in yard the rest of the night.
Today I am getting ready for our skeet shooting spectacular on tomorrow. It's going to be a fun men's event of shooting skeet's and fellowshippping together as a group. I'm looking forward to alot of men being there.
In closing let me talk to you about something that is a huge burden to me as a pastor. It's the home. If God created the home and He did how do I make my home all that it can be for Him. Simply put, keep Him in the center of it! It's that easy to do. This is where all the problems in the home come from. When the God of Heaven is not in the center of the home it begins to break down. Satan is continuing his onslaught today for the home. He is tempting people to get God out of the center of it through alot of different things. One of the main things is sports. All of us should fight for keeping the Lord's day the Lord's day! Amen and Amen! I was witnessing to a lady on yesterday and she said we use to go to church until the horse shows were on Sunday and we just got out. This is the story I hear all the time. When a people are in Hell for all eternity the sports events want mean a hill of beans. Oh that people would hunger after the Gospel of Christ and be all that they can be for Him!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
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