July 6th, 2009 6:19 a.m.

Greetings in the Lovely Name of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ

I Just flew back in from Manchester. I flew out at 5 and dropped Bro. Dave off to go and get our new shuttle bus. I was back by six. Now Brothers and Sisters that's called redeeming the time.

I praise the Lord for a good day yesterday. It was a full day for me as I preached in the morning, afternoon, and evening. What a great God we serve and how He moved in all the services on yesterday.

Also yesterday afternoon I flew over to the little Stonington airport to look at a closed down church. We are praying about what God would have for us to do in reopening this church. The fields truly are white unto harvest.

I'm looking forward to a good family day. My boy and I are going golfing this morning and then all of us are headed to the beach for a picnic at noon to celebrate Benjamin's 14th birthday. Happy Birthday to Benjamin! I probably will work on the land next to us a little today also. I'll will be a little tired after just four hours of sleep so pray the Lord gives me some extra sleep today. Of course I had a verve this morning so I on the up and up!!

Love you all


1 comment:

Alec Kindred said...

haha verve, oh boy! Have a great day!