January 31st 2014 6:34 a.m.

1 Corinthians 10:31 Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
I would like to encourage you today as you make plans for how you will celebrate the new year to make for sure that it brings Glory to God. For me that decision is somewhat a no brainer. We have services tonight at our church. At 6 p.m. we meet for prayer and are seeking God for a new campus for our church and ministry. At 6:30 we will be worshipping our Lord in singing. As the service continues I am anxiously awaiting the time to share what the Lord has put on my heart for the theme of the new year. When we get into our automobiles to go home our conscience will be clear that we have honored the God of Heaven with our life! Amen and Amen.
On the other hand many of you are making plans now to go to questionable places at best. Some are going to go dancing and drinking. Is that the best things for you? Alcohol alters the way you think and react. Is this a good thing to be involved in? Some will go dancing. As you dance others will be there drinking or smoking dope among other things and will begin to act in ways that absolutely do not honor God at all. Married couples will begin to dance with other wives and husbands. This doesn't even make sense? Why would we even desire to be involved in these types of activities. Still yet others will go to a movie and then go out for some late night drinks. Is this the way you want to dedicate your new year? Others will hang out and listen to people continually take the name of God in vain and laugh along with them as they mock our God! REALLY???
God created each of us with a will. We have the ability to make a good decision right now. Why not decide to honor God with your life instead of going to some questionable party and be tempted to do something that causes tragic results! 
May the God of Heaven help us to glorify Him with our lives, this day and everyday in 2015!!!
Greetings in the Marvelous Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

What a wonderful and edifying day I had on yesterday.  The God of Heaven helped me all throughout the day as I prepared early in study and seeking Him.  In the morning I enjoyed teaching on prayer in the Bible class that I teach.  We had powerful services in the morning as I preached out of Romans 13 on an Awareness of time.  My wife and I and Mrs. Eleanor flew up to New Vineyard in some questionable weather, but made a safe landing there a little after 1.  We had lunch at the airport and then off to the 2:30 service.  I enjoyed preaching and the liberty of the Holy Ghost with 21 in attendance.  We flew home for the evening service.  I preached on TRUST!  Proverbs 3:5 declares "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart".!  BOOM!  The LORD really helped me and our church to get over some hurdles in our life.  God is doing a great work in New England.  I'm grateful that He lets me be a little part of it.
This week I am finishing up a pulpit I have been making and a cross that goes behind it.  Also I am laying tile in our house around a jacuzzi tub.  Also I am taking down a chimney and repairing a wall. Plus winterizing a dirt cellar.  Their is more but please pray that I have a very productive week.  So much to do for Christ!  What a joy!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

December 27th 2014 7:32 a.m.

Greetings in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

I'm thrilled about another day to serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  I am looking forward to my study this morning and preparation for tomorrow.  Also today I am going out into the streets and lanes of our city to reach people for Christ.  I can't wait to see what the Lord is going to do.  How shall they know unless we go!  Also today I plan to fly up to New Vineyard to do some soul winning there.  We are praying and believing God for a supernatural work!  Pray much for us.  We are in desperate need of the prayer support!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

December 25th, 2014 5:36 a.m.

Greetings in the Name that is above all Names the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

Wow, what an encouraging day on yesterday.  The God of Heaven helped me as I studied and prepared for the meeting last night and also personal study.  I love the Bible!

Speaking of our meeting last night.  We were packed out and the Lord really helped me in the meeting.  It was so good to see so many people out for the Christmas eve service!  Bless the Lord.

Today I'm studying and spending time with family and fellow believers.  I'm looking forward to a tremendous day in the Lord!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

Don't forget about our daily broadcast BOOKMARK



Merry Christmas to All

Greetings in Jesus Name

I pray your having a great day in the Lord.

I am preparing now in my study for a wonderful night at the Calvary Baptist Church of Sanford Maine.

I hope to see you there at 6 p.m.  This will be a candle light service with Sermon and Song!  Please don't miss it.  It will be worth the effort to make it out!

I'm continuing to pray and believe God for more churches to be started this year.  Thank you for praying for us as we take our state one town at a time!  What a joy to be used of God!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

November 20th 2014 6:04 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

What a powerful service we had last night.  I praise God for Him annointing the service and for our missionary updating us with all God is doing in his ministry in Cambodia.

Before the service we had close to 50 praying and seeking the face of God for a new campus.  The God of Heaven is going to do it!  I know He's going to bless.  Glory to God!

Today I'm busy studying, teaching, visiting, discipling and flying.  It's going to be a good day in the LORD!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

October 25th 2014 6:21 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

What a glorious day I had on yesterday.  I studied in the morning and then worked in the office with discipleship and counseling.  At 11:10 we had chapel where I preached on Lord teach us to pray!  It was powerful to be able to teach the school how our God wants us to pray.  In the afternoon we prepared for our evening rally service.  What a blessing it was to come to the rally time and see over 250 dollars raised.  What a great event.

Today I'm studying, cleaning the motorhome and getting it ready for another family to stay in it, soul winning, getting the game room ready for tonight, and preparing for the Old time Saturday night Jubilee!!!  It's going to be tremendous today!  Praise God for all He is doing!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

October 23rd 2014 6:31 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

What a powerful first half of the week I have experienced.  It was a blessing to be asked to preach the Word of God at Pioneer Valley Baptist Church in Westfield Ma the last several days.  They have such a wonderful church their and Pastor James Montoro and his family are such a blessing.  God is moving mightily in that church!  The God of Heaven granted power and anointed at every meeting I was in.  Five precious souls were saved and the church was truly revived as the Word of God went forth.  This is the joy of my life to see God do such great things.  I bless the Lord for how He continues to move in New England.
I got home last night around 12:30 a.m. and enjoyed my 5.5 hours of sleep.  Thank you for praying for me.
I almost forgot to tell you that I was privileged to go to the airbase in Barnes yesterday thanks to a friend and spend some time around the F15 screaming eagle!  Wow! Wow!  What a joy for this boy who loves fighter jets.  I did ask the Col if I could get a ride and he smiled and in essence said no.  Oh well one day!
Praise the Lord I'm back home and rip roaring and ready to get after souls here in Maine.  Tonight we have service at 6:30.  You ought to come out and be a part of what God is doing here.  Don't let a few rain drops hinder you!
Also today I will be teaching and training and soul winning!  Can't wait to see what God is going to do in and through the day!  What a Saviour!

Serving Jesus with a Smile

Pastor Todd Bell

October 15th 2014 6:33a.m

Acts 2:2  And suddenly there came a sound from heaven...........

Acts 2:4  And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost..........

Moody said were leaky vessels and we should be continually filled.  Are we filled today with the Holy Ghost?  THE NEED OF THE HOUR!!!

October 10th 2014 5:19 a.m.

Walking with God........

Colossians 2:6,7  As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.

In the journey of life I often counsel people to just simply walk with God.  It's amazing to see how this fixes everything.  This verse details for each of us what it's about.

1)  It starts out by receiving Christ Jesus the Lord

Their is such an ignorance among people about this today.  People actually believe that they become Christians because they were baptized as an infant.  Baptism is not the Saviour Jesus Christ is the Saviour.  Furthermore you were not able to believe as a baby.  Your parents believed for you.  The Bible teaches us clearly that receiving Christ Jesus the Lord is something that is personal between each of us and the Lord.  John 1:11-13 He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
Are you walking with God today as a result of this?  Can you say with full assurance that you have received Christ Jesus the Lord?  Do you remember a time and place you were "Born Again"?  I'm shocked today when I hear about people that are so flippant with eternity.  Hey folks, eternity is a long time, it's like forever and forever don't play around with it!!!
Ephesians 2:8,9  For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves:it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.
If your trusting in your good works to get you Heaven your not going to go.  It's not of works!  Receive Christ Jesus the Lord today by faith and see what happens.  You will changed from the inside out and your life will be transformed by the power of the Word of God!

2)  It continues by growing

The Bible teaches us in this verse that we are to be rooted and built up in Him.  When something is rooted it means it is growing and maturing.  We must do the same.  One of the ways we do that is by reading and studying the Bible.  Do you have a plan for this?  As busy as I am in all areas of the ministry I always take time for this in the morning.  Actually I was so excited to get to my office this morning I was up before 5.  It's a thrill to grow in the Lord!  Are you growing?  Do you really believe you are walking with Him?  My prayer is that you are maturing in your walk with God!

3)  It's evident by your thankfulness

The text says that we are abounding with thanksgiving.  Are you a thankful person?  It's quite obvious that some people do not walk with God.  You can immediately tell it by their attitude.  They are so negative and ungrateful for life.  My heart hurts for these people.  They make everyone around them miserable.  You say Pastor Bell what's the fix?  It's simple, walk with God!  Know your saved, grow in Christ and be a thankful person.  Wow, you make it so simple, well it is!  Why not make the decision today to just do right and walk with God and see what happens.  My prayer is that we can continue to impact our area for Christ by exhibiting "real Christianity"!  May the God of Heaven grant it.

If you would have any questions regarding how to Walk with God I'm always available for an appointment.  Call the church office at 2073240777 and my beautiful wife will set up an appointment and we can "chat"!

Coming to a Church near you! We must hasten on with the Gospel using all available means!!!

October 9th 2014 6 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

What a great day I had on yesterday.  I was excited to be able to teach the Bible to the kids at the Academy.  After that I had several errands to run to be able to get my house ready for winter.  Then I went visiting and met with a family.  In the afternoon I prepared for the Wednesday night service.  The Lord blessed in a mighty way as I preached on a prosperous journey.   After church several men went and prayed with another man in a rest home.  It was a great day of serving the Lord.

Today I'm studying this morning, writing, seeking the Lord, teaching Bible, visiting, working around the house and maybe cranking up Willy the wood boiler and going to a Civil Air Patrol meeting tonight.  This is going to be an exciting day of serving the KING!!!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

October 8th 2014 6:23 a.m. A Prosperous Journey

Romans 1:10  Making request, if by any means now at length I might have a prosperous journey by the will of God to come unto you. For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established.........

I love the Bible!  What a joy it is to get into the Bible everyday and see what it has to say to me.  Here in this passage our writer is talking about a journey.  When you think about it, life is just that.  It is a journey for us.  I'm glad today that it is a journey about us going to heaven.  I know Christ as my Saviour and I know I'm on that journey going to Heaven.

But what about the daily journeys we are on?  Here the writer is asking that he experience a prosperous journey.  Isn't that what we all want to experience?  I would say Amen and Amen!  He realized that this journey would only happen if it was the Will of God.  What a way to live!  May the God of Heaven help us all to desire to do exactly what He wants, not what we want.

What a passion for service our writer had.  "For I long to see you" is a statement that should be said in our life.  Do we have this kind of drive and passion for others?  He wanted to teach them so many truths that in the end they may become strong believers.

My prayer is that somewhere in this text you can find yourself today.  Are you the one making request?  Are you on a journey?  Do you have direction in life?  Are you living according to God's will or your own?  Do you have a passion to see others?  Are you teaching others?  Are you sharing with others what has been shared with you?  Are you seeing others established in the faith?  These are are just a few questions to ponder.  May the God of Heaven help us to be our best for Him in these perilous days in which we live!

Now for my recent journey.  Monday after teaching Bible and ministering in Sanford I filled up the airplane and flew down and picked up Pastor John Barnes in Woostah Mass.  Both of us then flew to Syracuse NY to be a part of Church Planters Conference.  I was asked to preach on Tuesday and invite some men to come with me.  I invited Pastor Barnes and Brooks Suttles.  To God be the Glory we were able to see almost 4000 dollars raised for their church planting projects.  What a mighty God we serve!!!  Yesterday afternoon I got back in the airplane and flew back home to Sanford after dropping Bro. Barnes off in Manchester.  I landed in the one of the strongest crosswinds in Manchester Ive ever landed in.  But I'm here typing this out so God gave me a prosperous journey.
What a joy it is to see the scripture come alive in our own lives.  May the God of Heaven help us to live with expectancy in light of His soon return.  Let's stay after what He has called us to do.

A Servant of the King and Kings and Lord of Lords Jesus Christ

Pastor Todd Bell


The ladies of our church will be providing for the all the servants of Christ that are coming Monday. The menu is as follows!

BREAKFAST at 9:30 Blueberry coffee cake and cinnamon coffee cake and fruit coffee and juice

LUNCH Soup, salad bar, and sandwiches

SUPPER Ham, roasted potatoes, salad bar, fresh green beans, and corn on the cob, rolls and dessert!

The annual Maine Plant and root rally is to be held this Monday the 8th at Calvary Baptist Church of Sanford Maine.

The meeting is not a fellowship though we do fellowship around the Word of God.  This meeting is a rally service.  Years ago Pastor Jason Stoeber and I were burdened about having a meeting once a month that emphasized planting new churches and rooting existing ones.  Our vision was to bring fellow believers together once a month and rally the troops to go onward and forward with this vision.  To God be the Glory this is what has happened.  We look forward to your attendance on Monday.  The order is as follows.
10 a.m.
Pastor John Kelly preaching

Pastor Dave David Peterman preaching

Brother Scott Sandy preaching

Lunch approximately at 12:30.

Afternoon teaching sessions at 2 p.m.

Pastor Chad Colburn Importance of expositional preaching

Pastor Matthew Jones Importance of knowing our Baptist History

Pastor Todd Bell Church Planting 101

Evening meal at 5 p.m.

Evening service at 7

Calvary Baptist Choir and special music.

Pastor Todd Bell (host Pastor) closing out the day.

Hope to see you there!  Let's pack our church out with a rally that would impact all of Maine with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!  Let's see churches planted in every town in Maine and those that are there rooted for His glory!  Come on!  We can do it!

August 18th 2014 6:53 a.m.

Greetings in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

All praise to Him who is all together lovely!  What a joy to serve the King.

What a blessed day we had on yesterday.  The Spirit of God said to me "you've been preaching about what I want my people to do for me, preach today about what I have done for them".  That will work!  It was good to spend time in 2 Samuel preaching about Mephibosheth!  Wow!  I'm glad the KINGS caravan came to Lodebar one day and picked me up!  Come on!  Now I'm sitting at the KINGS table enjoying the plenty of the precious Saviour!
In the afternoon I had the joy of counseling, studying, and then flying to meet Pastor John Barnes, quartet practice and choir practice.  A great afternoon.
In the evening service I've never had the Spirit of God say this to me but he said give an invitation at the beginning of the service.  I obeyed!  The invitation went for over an hour with three adults walking the aisle and getting saved.  It was a life changing time of seeing the God of Heaven move!  Well Glory to God!
In the evening one of the ones that got saved wanted to be baptized.  So we all came to the house and enjoyed the Baptism.  After that we built a fire and fellowshiped and cooked on the grill.  It was powerful life changing day!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

August 7th 2014 6:43 a.m.

Wow!  Glory to God!  Bless the Name of the Lord!  Great things He has done!

Where do I start?  What a joy to go to church last night and be able to continue to preach through the Beattitudes!  To say the least we all went away challenged and convicted about Christ's words to us.  Ye are the salt of the earth, but if the salt have lost it's savour..........  And I preached again on losing our savour.  Oft times we grow cold and indifferent in our Christian life.  We lose our saltiness.  We are not what we use to be.  Our Bible reading and prayer ceases.  Our bold Christian witness ceases.  Our song is no more in our hearts.  What's going on ?  Were not salty no more.  We've exchanged a life of selflessness for selfishness.  It's time to seek the Lord while He may be found.  When I write these post like this I feel I'm on an island.   I sense people saying Oh here we go again another preacher ranting........   We are bombarded today by the world, flesh and the devil. It's seems to me the church as a whole is not concerned about that at all.  Well they may not be the Lord is greatly concerned.  May we receive the challenge today to be totally committed to Christ.

Many of you have prayed for our aviation ministry.  My home church Maple Grove Baptist Church in Canton N.C gave us 5000 dollars toward this project Sunday night.  The money is slowly coming in for this.  Thank you for praying.  Please continue.  We believe God!  Were excited about where the next church plant is going to be!

Let's be bold in our witness for Christ and living our the truths of the Bible!  What  joy to live for HIM!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

August 4th 2014 6:08 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

Romans 15:20  Yea, so have I strive to preach the gospel not where Christ was named, lest I should build upon another mans foundation;

Early in my ministry the Spirit of God arrested my soul with this great truth!  He put in my heart a desire to go somewhere in this world where I would not be tripping over other people to get the gospel out.  The other people I am referring to is so many other churches.  Why should we be continully preaching the gospel over and over again to people when their are multitudes that have never heard.  What a joy it was and even still is that the God of Heaven would call me to the Northeast.  I can testify that you do not trip over people here that have heard the gospel over and over again.   The Northeast is a wide open mission field and the fields are white unto harvest.  If your willing to give your life to the cause of Christ consider coming this way.  Ask the God of Heaven to send you here so that we can see more churches started for the Glory of God!

July 23rd 2014

Acts 2:46  And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,

Let's write about the midweek service this morning.  Its the Lord that has put in my heart a love for the House of God. Every time the doors are open my heart is stirred to be able to go and worship the God of Heaven at a set aside place.  I thank God that I have that place here in Sanford Maine where the brethren can come and be blessed by the LORD!
But really what has happened to the midweek service.  Through the years their has been a lazy attitude taken about this service.  Now let's talk about this.  Is the Bible preached on Wednesday?  Are the songs of Zion sung on Wednesday?  Is their prayer offered on Wednesday?  Is the fellowship just as contagious on Wednesday?  So what's holding us back?  Why then is the attendance sometimes lower on Wednesdays then other services.  Well it could be work which is understandable or it could be Providential situations which is understandable but most of the time it's the HEART!  When our hearts are cold against the LORD we don't have the same desire to come and meet with God's people.  Think about what we do at times when we don't come on a Wednesday or Sunday night.  We just sit at home, watch a t.v. show, sit by a fire or pond, talk to friends...........  You say wow preacher that's kind of hard.  No, not al all!   It just shows that are hearts are cold.  Don't you think it's about time that we did business with the LORD today and got our hearts right with HIM?
Let's make it a point to prepare ourselves today and come the House of God tonight ready to be fed from the Word of God and shout the victory!
Tonight I'm pumped about preaching the Word of God and welcoming a Missionary Lady from Arizona!  It's going to be good!  I wouldn't miss it for nothing!
See you there?

Serving the Lord Jesus Christ with a Smile

Todd Bell

July 18th 2014 6:32 a.m.

Greetings in the Mighty life changing Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!!!

Romans 12:13 Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality

1 Timothy 3:2  A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach

Titus 1:8  But a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, sober, just, holy, temperate;

1 Peter 4:9  Use hospitality one to another without grudging

The Word of God is powerful and life changing!  Some would say that hospitality is a gift.  You may want to look at it that way but I see it as an act of obedience.  When the scripture says twice to be given to hospitality then guess what?  We should be given to hospitality!!!  When it says love it we should love it.  When it says use it we should use it!  So what's left after all of that.  OBEDIENCE!!
My wife and I have been in the ministry 25 years this October.  One of the ways we have found that has continually made the difference is simply obeying the Word of God when it comes to hospitality.  What a joy it has been of ours to open our homes and hearts to be people weekly.  I must say that their is a price to pay.  The price is marginal in light of the joy of ministering to people.  Oh yeah the price!  Well when people come to your house you are transparent.  When people come to your house and you are hospitable to them it cost a lot of money.  Theirs also a lot of cleaning up to do and preparation that has to be made.  All of this is part of the ministry that all of us need to be involved in.  I have met so many people that would never open their home to anyone to come over.  I believe its time we bury that thought.  How bout we all as Christians understand what the Bible teaches about hospitality and start obeying it!!  Glory!  What a change it will make in our local churches!

On another note, today looks like its going to be the day that I fly the airplane.  The pesty oil leak has been resolved and I should be flying sometime around 9 today.  I will keep you posted.  What a joy to be able to use aviation as a tool to get more accomplished for Christ!  Keep praying and believing for the next church plant and the furthering of other church plants that already exist!  What a thrill!  Bless the Lord!  Glory to God!

A Servant for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords Jesus Christ!

Pastor Todd Bell

July 14th 2014 6:08 a.m.

Greetings in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

What a Saviour!  What a day!  Bless the LORD!  Glory to God!

I'm encouraged this morning as I type this out.  I enjoyed the services yesterday so much.  The Lord moved in power and great glory in all the services.  It's was amazing to sit back and watch as the Spirit of God came in like a mighty rushing wind.  Most people that say that God is not moving in the frozen chosen states of the Northeast have never spent the time waiting on the Lord for Him to move.  HE is moving and for that I bless His Holy Name!
Last night was one of those services that will stand out in our mind for quite sometime.  The Holy Ghost just settled in among us as the songs of Zion were sung and the saints testified!  Wow!  I appreciate our church being sensitive to the Holy Ghost as He moved among us!  Bless His Holy Name!!!  After church I baptized two more people.  One adult lady was saved yesterday morning and then a young lady that was saved a few weeks back was baptized also!
You can't make this stuff up!  The God of Heaven is moving and we will keep this as a banner verse for us.........
Isiah 42:8 I am the Lord:that is my name:
and my glory will I not give to another...... WE ARE CAREFUL TO GIVE HIM THE GLORY!
Their are so many more people to reach with the gospel.  Let's be faithful to reach them before it is eternally to late!!!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

Believe God with me for revival!

July 11th 2014 5:14 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

What a wonderful day I had on yesterday.   It was one of those days that we got a lot accomplished but the progress still seemed a bit slow.  While installing the air conditioners at the church we ran into some technical issues from the factory.  We believe we have those resolved now.  Hopefully today they will be up and running.  Praise the Lord for how He is helping us.  Special thanks to Ron Berard, Craig the Christian, and Dave Blaisdell for all the help.  What a blessing it is to see the progress.

Today very well may be the long awaited day that I have been anticipating for over a year.  The paper work has been signed the Bill of Sale has been filled out, the new registration papers are ready to go into the airplane.  Today may be the day that I fly the PA32R-300-T for the first time.  The insurance people have told me that I will have to fly it solo for the first two hours.  I'm pumped!  I can't wait to see this plane in the air again for the glory of God!  I have sought the God of Heaven in where our next church plant will be.  I'm so excited to be able to visit all over New England and continue planting churches.  I praise God for this long expected day.  Stay tuned for pictures to follow.

Also this morning I'm continuing to seek the Lord, study, and feed myself personally out of the Word of God.  I'm enjoying the quiet mornings of getting up around 4:30.  It's refreshing to meet with the Lord and spend time with my Saviour!

Hey!  Stay at it!  Glory!  It's worth it!  Souls are in the balance!  We must reach others with the Gospel!  Thank you for your love and prayers for me.  I love  y'all and I am praying for you.  Were in this together.  Lets get er done!!!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

July 9th 2014 5:38 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

The scriptures teach us that Jesus rose a great while before day and prayed.  I find it so refreshing to do the same.  As I type this out at 5:30 my heart was stirred around 4:30 this morning to get up and meet with the Lord.  I love the quiet time of the mornings that are without interruption.  Do you have a time you meet with the God of Heaven!!!

Our ministry is in the process of closing the deal on the Piper Lance.  We are raising funds to finish the purchase of the plane. Yesterday I had dear friend say that he would loan us the rest of the funds and then I could pay him back as quick as possible.  This was a big answer to prayer!  It's always exciting to see how the Lord is going to work when we step out and trust Him.  Would you help me pray about where the next church plant is going to be?  Our desire now and always has been since coming to Maine 18 years ago is to plant a church in every town in Maine.  With God all things are possible.

I don't always know who reads these posts but let me challenge you not to be lazy.  I'm amazed at how many pastors don't regularly witness to people.  I'm amazed that the same ones have no vision or desire to see other works started.  May the God of Heaven arrest our souls to the realization that people are dropping off into hell every day and we must reach the lost.  I would love to take the time to just write down all the people I have talked to this week just in casual visits.  As I ride around town running errands the Spirit of God prompts me to stop and visit with people.  It WORKS it WORKS!! May HE help us all to be soul conscience!

So have you won anybody to Christ.  Are you training anybody in discipleship.  Nobody wants to talk about this.  They say it makes me uncomfortable.  It's about time we get uncomfortable for the sake of others.  We need an old fashioned Holy Ghost revival that causes such a change in us as God's people that we see people saved all over this region.  We need a great out pouring of the Spirit of God to awaken us!  May the God of Heaven do it now!!!  Glory!

Please pray for our services tonight that they would be powerful!  Many have already made other plans and are not going to attend a mid week service.  This tells us where your at spiritually.  Make a change and repent and find a place to worship.  Ask the Lord to soften your heart and get back where you need to be!  Lets get at!  The night is coming when no man can work.

Along with studying and seeking God this morning I plan to install our new wall mount air conditioners at the church today.  I can't wait to see what the Lord will do.  It's so exciting to serve HIM!!  Glory!!!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

July 7th 2014 5:24 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

I wish I could put into words what the Lord did in our hearts yesterday but at this time I can't.  I can say Bless the Lord!  Hallelujah!  Glory!  I love the LORD!  Thank God I'm saved!  I'm glad I heard the voice of God and heeded His call!  What a joy!

The morning service was blessed beyond measure yesterday morning as the singers sang and I preached out of the Sermon on the mount.  Praise the Lord for the liberty that HE granted in the meeting.

The afternoon service was a highlight of my ministry here yesterday as the yard was packed with people, a sermon out of Acts 8 on Baptism and 10 that went into the pool for baptism!  Glory to God for what He continues to do!

Today I'm reading this morning, then working on a leak on my house and making visits in the community.  Should be an exceptional day in the Lord!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

July 4th 2014 7:19 a.m.

Greetings in the Mighty Name of The Lord Jesus Christ

Galatians 5:1 (KJV)
Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

When I think of July 4th I think of the liberty and the indedpendance that we enjoy as Americans.  My heart is stirred this morning for this great text of Scripture.
What can we learn about the Spiritual Liberty that we have as Christians from this text.
1)  This is liberty that comes through Christ
**  Multitudes of people are tangled up in so many things in life.  To be straightforward their lives stink and seemingly have no direction.  Their homes are out of order, they hate their jobs, and living everyday is a chore.
**  Please be assured that Christ can make you free!  This verse teaches us that He has!  I personally have experienced this freedom that comes from not only knowing Christ as my personal Saviour but serving Him with all my heart!  Their is no greater joy then to be totally committed to His work here in this great state of Maine and to see so many churhes established!  Glory to God!
**  Have you experienced this liberty through Christ?  If not why not?

2)  This is liberty that we need to Stand Fast in

  • to stand firm

  • to persevere, to persist

  • to keep one's standing

    **  So many people are wishy washy about their faith.  They are in one day and out the other.  They are in one Sunday and then you cant find them for serveral Sundays.  They are happy one minute and then angry the next.  They want to serve God one day the next they don't care.
    **  All of us that are God's Children are to stand firm and perservere in the liberty that we have in Christ!  How bout we do just that.  Quit being so weak and lets get at it as Christians!

    3)  This is Liberty that we have not always enjoyed

    **  The word therefore is there for us to understand that something has happened in the past.
    **  That something that has happened in the past is their previous experience.  These people were under the heavy yoke of another religion that brought them into bondage. They needed to be reminded to not go back to such an awful life.
    **  Maybe their is someone reading this post today that is not enjoying the Liberty that you can have in Christ because of the bondage of religious exercise!  Be delivered today through Christ.  Let Him set you free!  Come to a place where you can shout the victory through HIM!  Whoopee!!!

    4)  This Liberty is something you can lose

    **  He says and be not entangled again.  I have watched people that have been set free in Christ go back to the old lifestyle that they were delivered out of.  I have even seen many in church live in the bondage of performance based acceptance.  That is such a life of bondage.

    **  We should do what we do because of who we are in Christ not because someone is forcing us to do it.  We all should practice what this verse says so we can enjoy the freedom that we have in Christ.

    **  Dear God in Heaven grant this to be true in all of our lives as believers and Lord those that do not know you as Saviour may they be saved before it is eternally to late!!!

    Conclusion:  If you have any questions or would like for my wife and I to visit you to discuss further the great truths that are to be found in Christ please contact me @ tbell@metrocast.net

  • July 3rd 2014 5:12 a.m.

    Greetings in Jesus Name

    Praise the Lord for such a good day on yesterday.  I was busy in my study in the morning and running errands till lunch.  After lunch I worked on the deck project for a few hours while Craig put deck furniture together.  In the afternoon I also studied and prepared for the Wednesday service.
    What a blessing it was to go to church last night.  The service was full of people and the power of God.  The God of Heaven helped us all as I preached out of John 14.  Praise the Lord for the good spirit in the meeting.  Afterwards we spent some time fellowshipping in the our hall with Tim Martell.  Our church welcomed him home from Afghanistan.  What a joy it was to see him in church with his family again.  What a powerful day.
    Today I'm up early studying and seeking God.  After studying I'm going to finish up the deck work and then head toward the fire pit job.  In the evening I'm going to do some soul winning and visiting in the community.  What a joy it is to serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  It never gets old.  Theirs so much to do!  Glory to God!

    A Servant for Christ

    Pastor Todd Bell

    June 30th 2014 5:24 a.m.

    Greetings in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

    Wow what a day we had on yesterday.  The God of Heaven arrested our souls as I preached all day out of Romans 9 and 10 on a burden for the lost.  Last week the Lord spoke to my heart about this vast theme and burdened me to preach on it both services.  I believe out of this Sunday will come many people saved and lives changed.  Do you have anybody that you have led to the Lord lately that has been baptized and is being discipled?  If not why not?  Let's go win the lost!  Bless the Lord.
    The church was comfortably full in the morning and their was a great returning crowd in the evening.  The spirit in the services was extremely good and liberty and freedom was my portion as the Word of God went forth.  How encouraging is that!
    Today I'm studying and seeking the God of Heaven this morning and then I'm building a set of steps the rest of the day.
    Also please pray about the airplane that is close to being finished.  I very well could fly it this week.  I'm looking forward to our next church plant and continuing the mentoring ministry around New England and Canada.  What a mighty God we serve!

    A Servant for Christ

    Pastor Todd Bell

    June 27th 2014 5:31 a.m.

    Greetings in the Precious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

    I love the Bible!  What a joy it is to open it up in the morning and allow the Spirit of God to speak to you out of it.  Open thou my eyes that I may behold wondrous things written in thy law the Psalmist prayed and we need to likewise!
    When studying the Bible you see so many things that the Spirit of God convicts you about and challenges you with.  In Philemon as Paul writes to Philemon about Onesimus he says in vrs. 21 "Having confidence in thy obedience I wrote unto thee, knowing that thou wilt also do more than I say."  Their are two great truths that jump off the page in my heart.  The first is that he had confidence in his obedience.  Does the Lord have confidence in our obedience?  Our we going to do right?  Are you going to make the right decisions about life and live an obedient life?  I pray our answer is yes!  And then second he says that thou wilt also do more than I say.  Are we the type of person that just barely gets the job done or do we do more then what we say?  When you clean up a mess do you pick up the crumbs or do you finish the job?  When you mow the grass do you weed everything and make it look real nice or do you just barely get the job done?  As you serve the Lord are you just skimping by or do you do more then what you say?  I know this is a lot to think about but this is where maturity comes into our lives.  Maybe some of us don't even read the scriptures or study them much less obey them and do more then what they say!  May the God of Heaven do a work in our lives to the extent that real maturation takes place.  God is doing a work of sanctification in our lives. Are we allowing it to have it's way?  Let's all pray that He will work in such a way in our lives that we experience Holy Ghost Power and a mighty outpouring of revival in this land.  I'm praying toward so many more being saved and churches being started all over this region.  Pray with me and for me that we can see this!

    A Servant for Christ

    Pastor Todd Bell
    Mark 1:38
    (what about our neighbors and what about other towns?)

    June 25th 2014 6:32 a.m.

    Greetings in the Life Changing Glorious and Gracious Name of The Lord Jesus Christ

    Over 20 years ago I remember praying and seeking the face of God in my country church in North Carolina.  I use to run to church in the morning and then lock the door behind me.  It was then that I sought The Lord and ask Him to give me wisdom about how to win Mainers to Christ and how to see churches built.  The God of Heaven has been so gracious to us down through the years.  Its still with great joy that we serve Him now.  The ministry is so exciting!  Bless The Lord for all He continues to do.
    As I was seeking The Lord I would ask Him about Wednesday nights.  What He told me those many years ago is what we still do.  The Lord said to me have a real service.  Don't just show up and play around but make it worth the people's drive in.  So now for 18 years we have had a full service on Wednesday nights.  I know that everyone has liberty to do as you feel God is leading you but we have full services on Wednesday nights.  The Choir sings, specials are sung, congregationals are enjoyed and the Word of God is preached!
    Tonight we are looking forward to another one of those full services.  We also welcome tonight West Coast Baptist College!  I can't wait to see what God is going to do in the meeting.
    Is it just me or have you noticed also that their is a trend in our day that the Wednesday service is the least attended and the least spiritual at times?  I believe any time we meet together it should be taken with great sincerity and dignity.  We should not have a big Sunday morning, then are more relaxed Sunday night and then a little "Bible study" on Wednesday.  May all of us continue to be our best for Christ in all the services.
    Notice also the dress for the services change to.  We really dress up on Sunday then we get sloppy by Wednesday. (I'm not talking about those coming straight from work)  My brethren these things ought not so to be.  Our God never changes!  Let's be excited about what The Lord is going to do tonight and let's pray for a mighty outpouring of His Spirit upon us!
    I look forward to seeing you tonight at Calvary Baptist Church in Sanford Maine.

    A Servant for Christ

    Pastor Todd Bell
    Philippians 4:6,7

    June 23rd 2014 5:06 a.m.

    Greetings in the Marvelous Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

    My heart is overwhelmed with the goodness and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.  I have no sad stories about the ministry.  It is with great joy and delight that I can write about what the God of Heaven did in the meetings on yesterday.  All day long we enjoyed the liberty of the Holy Ghost.  Freedom was what the Lord brought in the services on yesterday.  I preached three times in the services with the Lord working as the Word went forth.  Some people have succumbed to the summer time spirit but not us.  We had CHURCH yesterday and that's the way it needs to be.
    We must be ever so careful as to watch ourselves in the summer that we do not backslide.  People still die and go to hell in the summer.  Souls still need to be reached in the summer.  Saints still need ministered to in the summer.  Songs of Zion still need to be sung in the summer.  This is no time to slacken or soften this is a time to charge the gates of hell and rescue the perishing.  May the God of Heaven do a work in our hearts to that extent!  Well Glory!
    Today I'm studying this morning and seeking the face of God.  Then I'm going to play a few holes of golf.  After that I'm working on my deck.  I also have visits to make and lives to touch.  It's going to be a great day in Christ.  Whoop!  SHOR!
    I like my signs I have at the church that my wife made up for me.   One says YES and the other that the young people made up says SHOR!  Don't you just love being excited about serving the Lord?  What a joy!
    You be careful now that you stay on track for Jesus!  Don't grow cold and indifferent to the things of God!  Stay after Jesus!  It will be worth it!

    A Servant for Christ

    Pastor Todd Bell
    Philippians 4:6,7
    Mark 1:38
    (What about your neighbor or the next towns?)

    June 22nd 2014 6 a.m.

    May the God of Heaven do a work in our hearts today in light of this the Lords day.  This day in our society has been hijacked not only by those who do not know Christ but also those who claim to know Christ.  Isn't it amazing what people prioritize on Sunday!  This is the Lord's day!  Let's keep it that.  Find yourself in the House of God today and hear a Bible message from the Word of God.  Grab the hymn book off the rack and lift your voice to the one who is all together lovely!  Come with a clean heart and an expectation the HE will move in power and glory!  Lets all experience a touch of God and revival in our midst!  How bout it????  Oh yeah Sunday is the Lord's day all day so let's find ourselves faithful in the morning and evening!  Enough said!  May the Kings of Kings and Lord of Lords have preeminence in the services today that we attend.  May souls be saved and the saints of God encouraged.  May be walk away with renewed vigor to win our neighbors and our co-workers to Christ.  We should know and understand by now that Satan is a liar and he has sold us a bill of goods.  He says, "well it really won't hurt to miss church a little".  We miss and then we start a trend that sometimes ends in a statistic.  May the God of Heaven wake us up to this realization.  Get to the House of God today and go all day.  God will speak out of the Bible!  Hope to see you soon at Calvary Baptist Church of Sanford!  Can't wait to see what God is going to do!  Whoopee!  Glory to God!  Bless the Lord!  Hallelujah!!!

    June 19th 2014 4:58 a.m.

    Greetings in the Marvelous and Glorious Name of my Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ

    Wow what a wonderful day on yesterday.  I so much enjoyed working on the deck with my beautiful wife.  We are getting some things done around the house which is making me feel real good!  The porch has been about ready to fall off for years and it's time to just fix it.  The ministry is so busy that oft times I find my projects get put pushed to the back.  I had to fix this or else the porch would be falling off the house.  Also their are other projects that are rotting and I must fix those.  Theirs always something to do on a house that is over 200 years old! (smiling).
    In the afternoon I spent some time in my study preparing for the Wednesday night service.  My oh my how God helped us out of the Word of God.  It was with great joy that I was able to preach the Word of God again.  I preached my third message on Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.  My heart is burning on the inside with the joy that the Beatitudes have brought to me.  The Words of Christ are life changing.  I'm looking forward to continuing this series on Sunday.
    Today I'm studying this morning and then I'm off to try out for the Maine State Amateur Golf Tournament in Biddeford.  I missed it last year by one stroke.  I'm hoping to make it this year.  Golf is a fickle game but I do love it and I'm excited to see what will happen.  This afternoon I will be working some more on the deck.
    Praise the Lord for His blessings on our family and ministry!  It's HIM!  Glory to God!

    A Servant for Christ

    Pastor Todd Bell

    June 16th 2014 5:11 a.m.

    Greetings in Jesus Name

    Bless the Lord Oh my soul!!!  Glory to God!  What a day on yesterday.  I enjoyed the House of God and the liberty to preach, teach, worship, and fellowship one with another.  What a joy to see what God is doing!
    Today I'm studying, chopping wood most of the day, and working on the deck.  I'm excited about the possibilities of the day and to see how God is going to use me to minister to people.  I love each of you and count it an honor to serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords in this great state!!!

    A Servant for Christ

    Pastor Todd Bell


    Another one baptised!!!

    June 15th 2014 6:05 a.m.

    Greetings in Jesus Name

    I don't understand why people say that visiting and soul winning does not work.  Every time I go out I meet so many people and it's so exciting.  Yesterday was another one of those days.  Bless the Lord for what He did as my wife and I went out and talked to people!  Glory!  How exciting is this.
    In the afternoon I went and got a wood splitter in Ossipee.  Also me and Mr Intern worked on the deck for a little.  In the evening I spent some quality time with the man who started Jehovah Jirah ministries.  That was a wonderful time in the LORD!  I called it a night around 9.
    Today I'm studying, seeking the Lord, and going to the House of God to Worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!  Can somebody say AMEN!!!!  Whoop!! Glory!  Hallelujah!!!  By the way the Devil is a liar.  He says you don't miss anything when you miss church!  He's a liar and shame on anyone that believes him.  Those 9 kids that got saved Wednesday night, would they have got saved that night if they were not there??????  Be faithful.  Don't believe the lie of the devil especially in the summer.  Get yourself out to the House of God and give O smutty face a knuckle sandwich!  Enough said!!!
    Also this morning we welcome Crown College and Dr.  Crighton.  Can't wait to see what God is going to do in our midst!!!

    A Servant for Christ

    Pastor Todd Bell
    Greetings in Jesus Name

    It was a joy to work at the ministry in the morning yesterday.  I have always loved to work in and around the church even if it means cleaning on my hands and knees.  What a privilege to serve the Lord Jesus Christ.  After I finished up the cleaning I went and had lunch with Paul Davis in Lynn Mass.  What a blessing he is.  He is doing a great job there and I praise the Lord for his faithfulness.  In the afternoon I took my wife on a date and visited in the hospital in Portland.  It was a great day in the Lord.
    Today I'm studying this morning, and then visiting and working around house.  I need to go and get a wood splitter and get ready for Monday and Tuesday where we split my winters wood.  Thank the Lord for Crown college helping me.  Also I may fly to Bangor today to visit a church.  We will see how the weather does.  Pray for me.  I have a lot of burdens that I need to see God move in!  He's faithful!

    A Servant for Christ

    Pastor Todd Bell

    June 13th 2014 5:20 a.m.

    Greetings in Jesus Name

    What a blessing Bible school was this year.  Praise the Lord for all He is doing among us.  We had so many kids out and many decisions for Christ.  Glory to God!
    Yesterday I was able to work hard on the back deck.  This is exciting for me because for years my back deck has been rotten.  Now it's a blessing to be able to rebuild it and make it look nice again.  It's not for the faint of heart as it is 36 feet by 10.  It's going to be nice when it is finished.
    Today I'm studying this morning and then off to practice a little golf.  I'm playing in the Maine amateur this year and I would like to make it to the next round.  It's one of those bucket list things.  Also I will be visiting some today and going to Lynn Massachusetts to look at an air conditioner.  On my way there I plan to visit a church planter and enjoy some fellowship.  What a blessing to serve the KING!

    A Servant for Christ

    Pastor Todd Bell

    Powerful Bible school! Just one young age group

    June 12th 2014 4:57 a.m.

    Greetings in the Marvelous and Matchless Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

    I got a lot of work done around the house on yesterday.  For some of you that don't know where we live, we live in a 1812 farm house that was donated to us.  It's a full time job keeping everything up around this house.  I have a lot of rot that I'm having to address so therefore in and of itself it's very busy just catching up on chores.  Plus you have the ministry which is a triple full time job with soul winning, discipling new converts, counseling. Then add a the school with over 70 students and the aviation ministry of flying around and starting more churches and mentoring others!!  Wow!!  Dear God in Heaven I need strength!  Now you know why I covet your prayers!!!  Please pray!!!
    Last night was huge in Bible school with the kids getting saved.  What a joy to see so many come to Christ!  Bless the Lord!
    Today I'm studying this morning and then going to rebuild a rotten porch that is falling off our house. Please help me in prayer.  Also tonight is our last night of Bible School.  We are asking God for a wonderful time and many more decisions to be made.
    The ministry is AMAZING!!

    A Servant for Christ

    Pastor Todd Bell

    Bible School

    Just had the privilege of leading 9 children ages 8-10 to Christ at the same time!!!  Glory!!! Bible School 2015

    June 11th 2014 6:13 a.m.

    Greetings in Jesus Name

    What a joy yesterday to work around the church in the morning.  I also studied in the morning for my bi-annual flight review.  In the afternoon I flew and did my oral test for the flight review.  I passed and it went very well.  It felt so good to be back in the cockpit of an airplane flying maneuvers and enjoying the freedom of flight.  In the afternoon I made a visit and then got ready for Bible school.  Bible school was a huge success again.  We had right at 100 people.  Also in the evening I had a civil air patrol meeting.  I enjoyed that very much.  After that I had two more visits and called it a night around 9:30.  What a blessing to be able to reach people with the gospel.
    Today I'm studying this morning and then off to church to work.  I have enough there to do for a whole summer.  Plus I have enough to do on my house for another summer.  I love being busy for Jesus.  In the midst of all of this are souls that need the Saviour.  It's the joy of mine to share the gospel and love people.  What a blessing!  Glory to God.
    Pray much for me and the ministry that the God of Heaven would meet the needs!

    A Servant for Christ

    Pastor Todd Bell

    June 10th 2014 5:23 a.m.

    Greetings in Jesus Name

    Bless the Lord for what He did last night in Bible School.  It's so exciting to see so many boys and girls.  Bro. Bobby Brown is doing an excellent job.  I'm rejoicing this week as we invest the gospel into these children.  "Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not".  The Lord wants us to make a way for kids to come to Christ!

    Today I'm studying this morning, and working at the church the rest of the day.  I also have a bi annual flight review.  Tonight is Bible school and Civil Air Patrol meeting.  It's going to be thrilling!!

    Bless the Lord

    A Servant for Christ

    Pastor Todd Bell

    May 9th 2014 5:52 a.m.

    Greetings in Jesus Name

    What a thrill serving the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!  Bless His Holy Name!  Well Glory!
    "This I say then, walk in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh"!!!  Many that are reading this are looking for the answer on how to deal with the old man.  I believe this quote out of Galatians will transform us.  May the God of Heaven do a work in our hearts that change us into HIS image!
    Yesterday at the House of God was such a blessing.  The God of Heaven met with us in all the meetings.  I praise the Lord for what He is doing among us.  Last nights Bible school was wonderful. We were packed out with kids everywhere.  The buses were full the church was full and the Spirit of God was moving among us.  It's such a blessing to invest our lives in kids.  Praise the Lord for all He is doing.  Our Bible school continues tonight.  Come out tonight if your in the area of Sanford and enjoy it with us.
    Today I will be working around the ministry and house.  Also this afternoon we will be going back out to see more kids come to Christ!  Well Glory!!!

    A Servant for Christ

    Pastor Todd Bell

    June 8th 2014 6:37 a.m.

    Greetings in Jesus Name

    My mind is overloaded with thoughts this morning as I think back on a week where we saw yet another church started for the Glory of God!!  What a joy to think back on my life as a young man and now see the vision the Lord gave me so many years ago come to pass!  It's such a blessing to see more churches started all over this state.  This church is Fort Kent is thrilling in many ways but one of them is its location.  It's at the top of our state!  Now we have one at the bottom here in Sanford and at the top.  So my prayer is that we can start one everywhere in between and see a church planting revival continue in this wonderful state of Maine.  May the God of Heaven grant it.
    During the week the Lord blessed every night in the meetings.  The attendance grew steadily throughout the week with the talk in the town spreading also everyday.  We went out soul winning during the day and had meetings at night.  Our highest night was 45 with even more sitting in their cars listening.  Bless the Lord for the Gospel that was shared and the Bibles that were given out.
    I got home yesterday and spent the rest of the day resting and thinking toward today.  Tonight we start our vacation Bible school with Evangelist Bobby Brown.  It should be a wonderful time as we reach more kids with the Gospel.
    Souls are dying men are crying win the lost at any cost.  Lets stay at it!!

    A Servant for Christ

    Pastor Todd Bell

    P.S.  Pastor Jamey Grooms did such a great job preaching.  It was with great joy to have the memory of going to Bible College together.  Over 20 years ago we use to talk about what God put on our heart to do in this region now to see it being done is thrilling!  What a SAVIOUR!!!!

    May 3rd 2014 7:21 a.m.

    New church begins to plant roots in Fort Kent

    Printer-friendly versionPrinter-friendly versionSend by emailSend by email
    3 June 2014
    FORT KENT- Providence Baptist Church will hold its first official service on Sunday, June 8, at 10:30 a.m. in the conference room below Rock's Diner in Fort Kent. The meeting is free of charge and open to the public are invited to attend. Pastor John Kelly, of St. Francis, will oversee the service as the official cleric for the new church.
    new church june 3 2014
    CALLED TO THE VALLEY- Pastor John Kelly (left) has wanted to open a Baptist church in the area since he found his calling as a young boy visiting relatives in Allagash. Todd Bell of Sanford (right) has help to finance Kelly's establishment in the Fort Kent area. - Photo by Jessica Potila
    This week, Providence Baptist Church rented the Lion's Pavillion at Riverside Park where outdoor services have been held at 7 p.m each week night. Bell officiated one night's service at the Pavillion, which was set up with a piano, sound system, and chairs for 100 guests. Bell spoke of the spiritual challenges facing individuals "in times like these" at the outdoor ceremony, and was undeterred by a pesky mosquito, swatting at the unholy creature as he continued to share his message. A men's quartet from Sanford is expected to perform gospel music at the Pavillion services for the remainder of this week.
    Calvary Baptist Church in Sanford, Maine has provided the funding for the new religious establishment. This week it invested around $2,000 to help launch Providence Baptist Church, according to Pastor Todd Bell of Sanford. "It's every penny worth it. No price can be placed on a soul," he said. Representatives of Calvary Baptist will continue to support Kelly's efforts to institute Providence Baptist and will visit Fort Kent weekly via airplane "until he gets on his feet really good," said Bell. Bell refers to the church's plane as an "aviation ministry-Wings With the Word." He also mentioned that he looks forward to making regular trips to Fort Kent himself, "What a beautiful St. John Valley this is," Bell said. Pastor Todd Bell has been a pastor for 25 years and became involved with Kelly's calling after the two met at a missionary conference in Pennsylvania.
    new church2 june 3 2014
    A MISSION WITH MUSIC - Three young Christian Academy students sang a hymn for guests at a service of Fort Kent's first baptist church at the Lion's Pavillion Monday evening. - Photo by Jessica Potila
    "[Kelly] shared with me about his desire to come to Maine. He shared with us about his burden and I said, 'well obviously that's where the Lord needs you'. That's why God called Pastor Kelly here, not to compete with or argue with [other religious establishments]. He's just here to preach Christ. There's multitudes that are unchurched and we just want to reach them with the gospel," said Bell.
    Kelly, 26, lives in St. Francis with his wife of one year, Crystal, and their baby son Elijah. He is an ordained pastor who attended Southern Baptist College in Mississippi. Kelly enjoys hunting, fly-fishing, camping and reading, and said he looks forward to the future of Providence Baptist Church. Kelly grew up in Milford but has had lifelong ties to the Valley. His paternal grandparents are from Allagash and he spent childhood summer vacations visiting with relatives in the area. It was during one of these visits when Kelly first discovered his religious calling while attending a service at Allagash Baptist Church, when he was 12 years old, he said.
    In addition to the Sunday morning meetings, Providence Baptist will also hold regular services on Sundays at 5 p.m. and Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. at Rock's. To view upcoming events and the church's schedule, visit the Providence Baptist Church online at providencefortkent.com. Pastor John Kelly can also be reached at 459-8555.
    "I'm excited about what God's gonna do. I believe great things are gonna happen," he said.