May 31st 2009, 6:07 a.m.

Greetings in the Wonderful Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

My day was blessed of God yesterday and you can see from all the pictures. The Lord allowed us to get so much done on the roof at Westbrook Baptist. No one was hurt and we had a good time of fellowship.

Yesterday afternoon I went and looked at an excavator that we are going to buy. It's got very low hours for the year and the people were buying it from are so nice. We had a great time there.

My wife and I went on a date on the way back. Of course it's always good to date your wife. We had a marvelous time together.

Last night around 8 three people from church came over and I talked about baptism. They all three are getting baptized today after the service. Glory to God for what He is doing!!!!!!

Went to bed around 10 so a full 16 hour day for Jesus!!! Glory to God!!!!

Pray for our services today as I preach the Word of God and fly to Islesboro with our team. Pray the Power of God will move and bless like only He can.

Pastor Todd Bell

May 30th, 2009 5:53 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

I'm just now getting ready to go up to Westbrook Maine to help Pastor Stoeber and the good people of the Westbrook Baptist Church. We are putting a roof on their new building today. What a blessing to be able to help. I think around 8 to 10 people from Calvary are going. Pray that we have a prosperous day.

My day was blessed of the Lord on yesterday with alot of things accomplished. I appreciate the good time the Lord gave us in discipleship last night with the Fitzgeralds studying on the thought "dealing with sin". Mrs. Amy also discipled Miss Tammy as I was teaching the Fitzgeralds.

Pastor Michaels and his dear wife showed up last night to stay in our prophets chamber. What a blessing they have been to the Northeast. He is the pastor in Medford Mass. at New England Baptist Church.

The Lord is doing great things and he is great to be praised.

Love all of you.

Pastor Todd Bell

May 29th, 2009 6:36 a.m.

Greetings in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

What a blessed day I had all day long on yesterday. I appreciate the Lord helping me in so many areas. I had a good study and devotions in the morning. After that I went out and shot some approaches in the soup. It felt good to get some real instrument flying in and build some confidence. In the afternoon and evening I had a good time working at the airport. Their was 15 people that came out to help at the hanger. What a joy and delight it is to see so much going on and so many people learning. I mean to tell you we got some stuff accomplished. You can go to our mechanics blog to learn more

Mrs. Amy said the ladies meeting was a great blessing to. She taught out of Proverbs 31 on being a virtuous woman. They are enjoying their study together in the Word of God. Any of you ladies in the area are welcome to come out for these meetings. She has them once a month and they prove to be a great blessing.

I'm looking forward today to studying and working some more at the airport. I will be visiting and sharing the gospel everywhere I go. May God give us more souls as we seek to continue to build this church for His honor and glory.

Thank you for praying for Mom. She is doing good and recovering from her surgery. It will not be long now until they will be moving up here to help us out in our mission. The Lord is doing great things and He is to be praised.

Pastor Todd Bell

May 28th 2009, 7:07 a.m.

Greetings in the Blood Stained Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

What a glorious day I had on yesterday. Most of the day was spent in my study preparing for the evening message. I appreciate the Lord speaking to me from His Word and helping me to share the Word of God last night. I also played my trombone for the first time in the service. What a joy it is to see my lips finally in shape and able to blow the trombone a little.

At the end of the message a lady came forward and trusted Christ as her Saviour!!! Glory to God!!!!!! One of our new couples that has just been saved two weeks brought her along. Now isn't that the way it's suppose to work?

Also on last night I felt burdened to help Bro. Arnold Worley with Transporters for Jesus to pay off his truck loan. Our church gave him a thousand dollars and filled his truck up with diesel. What a joy it is to be a giving church. I pray that God will continue to bless and move as we love missionaries and the Work of God they are involved in.

Today I'm looking forward to my study time in my office and devotion time. After that I plan on working at the airport on the windows. Maybe I will have some time to go up and do some IFR work. The weather is rainy and low clouds here so it will be a good day to work on instrument stuff. Tonight Mrs. Amy has her ladies meeting. That should be a great blessing for all the ladies.

Thank you for your prayers and love for us.

Pastor Todd Bell

May 27th, 2009 5:18 a.m.

Greetings in the Precious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

"I will bless the Lord at all times, His praise shall continually be in my mouth." What a mighty God we serve. If we started praising Him now we could never praise Him enough. We all have so much to thank Him for!!

I had a great day on yesterday working for my wife. Actually it was a joy to get all the flower beds in and mulch them. All the kids pitched in also to make the job a bit easier. We worked all day long but the end product is very nice.

Also on yesterday I had my men's league at our local golf coarse. Benjamin and I had a good time and praise the Lord for the opportunity to get around some of the men from town that we are trying to lead to Christ.

After that several from the church came out to help unload Mom and Dad's stuff. It was a very successful time. What a blessing to finally get all their belongings up here. Mom's surgery went very well and she is recovering now. Lord willing she will go home today from the hospital. Thank each of you for your prayers.

The Worley's ended up staying here with us and will be with us one more night. I appreciate the Lord helping us to have the vision of the missionary apartment. It has come in very handy down through the years.

My day today will be filled with the work of the ministry. I will be studying this morning personally and for the message tonight. Also I plan on working some at the airport and visiting. What a joy it is to be used of God on this mission field.

Pastor Todd Bell

I took these pictures at 5:30 a.m. so the light is not real good but they are gorgeous!!!

May 26th 2009 5:26 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

The weather people said it may frost but it looks like it didn't. The temperature outside is a cool 32 degrees though. You got to love these crisp spring mornings. Makes you just want to shout unto the Lord.

Mrs. Amy's birthday went well yesterday. I took her early in the morning to get her some hanging baskets at the Springvale nursery. I must say they are beautiful on the front porch. We also had a cookout and enjoyed the fellowship of some of our Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

I managed also to get some wood cut and stacked and Benjamin mowed the yard. Their is no worries about running out of stuff to do around here. You just have to keep chipping away at it and sooner or later maybe it will all be caught up.

Today I'm looking forward to giving my wife her birthday present which is manual labor in her flower gardens. Can somebody pat me on the back. What a sweet husband!! We will have a good time together and when we get done the farm here will be a good testimony to the Lord. Also I will be studying this morning and visiting. In our everyday activities is when we find some of the greatest times to be a soulwinner. Pray for me today that I will be able to share the gospel with people and see them saved.

On Tuesday nights Benjamin and I are in a mens league at our local country club. That should be fun and again another opportunity to be around some men in our community to hopefully lead them to Christ.

As you pray today please pray for my mom as she gets the artery in her neck roto-rootered out. Pray all goes well.

Thank you for your prayers for our family!

Pastor Todd Bell

May 25th, 2009 5:42 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

Today is the day that my beautiful wife turns 40. We are looking forward to a wonderful day together. Last night the church honored her with a very special program of testimonies and love. Wow, what a great time and how good it made me feel that they love her so much.

Speaking of yesterday, the Lord blessed with great services all day long. Oh how I praise Him for the wonderful liberty to preach the Word of God and to enjoy the fellowship of the saints. How glorious it is to know God is moving a working. I bless His name this morning as I type this out.

Today we are going to do our normal Monday thing and get everything cleaned up from the weekend and do all the chores around the yard. Maybe Benjamin and I will get a chance to go play a little golf. Were going to have us a cookout and enjoy the fellowship of some of our co-workers in the ministry to.

Pray for me this week that I will have boldness to share the gospel everywhere I go. Pray also that we can see people saved and baptized and our church can continue to grow.

Pastor Todd Bell

May 24th, 2009 6:31 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name I spent the day yesterday in the study most of the day. I was studying about being put into remembrance about many things in the Word of God. Also I spent some time studying Baptist History in Maine and studying my trombone music. Their is always something to do. Today theirs a man from Portland coming to our church with two trombones. I'm looking forward to meeting him. He saw that I wanted a trombone on Craigslist. Pray the Lord's will be done. Choir practice was a huge success last night. I'm looking forward to a great meeting today and the choir singing. Pray that we will see people saved and their lives changed by the power of God. Pray also for the service on Islesboro that God would move in power and glory. I'll talk some more tommorow or maybe even upload some pictures for you later on. Pastor Todd Bell

May 22nd 2009 5:44 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

My day was blessed all day long on yesterday. I enjoyed study and exercise in the morning. I also went and tried to drum up some support for the airport open house. Next my wife and I, Fred, and Jennifer, new converts from our church flew up to Islesboro to spend some time in mentoring with Bro. Schoppe and his wife. I appreciate the good fellowship and it was a blessing to be around them. The chapel area was set up the way we feel will be the best. It's exciting to see this come together.

In the afternoon we went to Standish Baptist Academy and the closing program for the school. What a blessing to be a part of this. The kids did wonderful and I have included some of the kids from our church on this blog. Also is a picture of the town of Harpswell Maine. I have been burdened for this town for some time. Does anyone know of a good solid KJV Baptist church in this town?

I'm looking forward today to studying and visiting. Also I will work at the airport and try to put in some more windows. Maybe I will get a chance to play a few holes of golf to. My wife and I have some visiting to do and we may do that on the motorcycle. Tonight we are having the Fitzgeralds over for discipleship so once again a very busy day.

Thank you so much for your continued prayers for our ministry and all that God is doing here.

Pastor Todd Bell

May 21st 2009, 5:35 a.m.

Greetings in the Wonderful Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

I spent the morning yesterday studying and preparing for the message last night. It was exciting to study the future event of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. I'm looking forward to some messages on this text.

Yesterday afternoon I spent some more time at the airport. I put in another window and it's starting to really come together. I praise the Lord for the progress made thus far. Don is continuing with the repair on the front of the plane.

After that I came back home and studyied more on the thought "More than Conquerors" out of Romans chapter number 8. I give God the Glory for the great time we had in church!! Wednesday nights are like pulling up to the pumps and getting your tank full again. We had a good crowd and their was a good spirit in the meeting.

I'm looking forward to studying the Word of God this morning. Then my wife and I and some new converts will fly up to spend some time with Bill Schoppe on the Island of Islesboro. After that I'm going to work on a window at the airport and then go to Standish for the end of the year program. I have a full day of ministry planned. How exciting it is to know that you are in the center of His will. Thank you for you prayers.

Pastor Todd Bell

May 20th, 2009 5:39 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

To God be the Glory Great Things He has done!!!! "It is a good thing to praise the Lord." This morning as I type these words I want to bless the Lord for all He has done. It was wonderful to once again be able to get out of the bed on my own strength and lift my hands in praise to the Lord for how good He is. I know that the God of Heaven desires for His people to be a thankful people and a people full of praise. I am so grateful to be called to preach the Word of God and look forward to all He has in store for me today.

Yesterday was blessed all day. In the morning I enjoyed my devotional time in the Word. After that I worked on our chimney for the wood boiler. I'm putting a new one on so we won't have the risk of chimney fire. Pray that I can sell my old one and also we can sell a little motorcycle we have. We need to raise some money for some bills on our cars and other stuff that has come due.

I worked at the airport a little bit in the afternoon and got the emergency window ready to put in. I love working with my hands. I wish I had more time to do this as it is good therapy for me.

I was able to go out and play nine holes of golf in the local men's league. I enjoy doing this as it gives me a lot of opportunities to meet people and share the gospel. It's almost impossible to win people to Christ unless you get around them. I desire to be around people on all fronts.

Last of all the Bible Institute was a huge success last night as we studied through Colossians and 1 and 2nd Thessalonians. That's it for the summer. It has been a blessing to be able to study together this year in Bible Institute. Now comes the practical times and we are asking God to give us much fruit this summer.

Keep your eyes on Jesus.

Pastor Todd Bell

May 19th, 2009 5:35 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

It's so wonderful to be Born Again and washed in the Blood of Christ. What a thrill it is to know that you are on your way to heaven. I'm not only glad I'm saved but glad the Lord allows me to serve Him here on this mission field of Maine. Glory to God!!!! Amen!!!!! As the old time preacher use to say, someone hold my mules while I shout!!!!

It frosted here this morning. I told my wife to hold off on planting the flowers until the end of May because it usually frosts late and I was right. I have been in Maine to long and seen to much. Its a good morning though with the sun coming up over the horizon.

My day yesterday was blessed all the day long. I spent a good part of the day at the hanger putting in windows. That was exciting seeing everything come back together. Three are in and we have 11 more to go. Sounds discouraging doesn't it. Well, it's not because it will be worth it to be able to see out of the windows.

I went golfing with my boy and then came home and put the new finish mower on the tractor. Now that works nice. Benjamin loved it and so don't I. All the kids and the wife with me cut up some wood to. I had a good day in the Lord!!

Today I will spend time mentoring, studying for institute, visiting, praying, being a part of the men's league at the golf course and enjoying my family. Everyday is an exciting day here on the mission field.

Glory to God !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Pastor Todd Bell

May 18 th, 2009 5:22 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

Wow, what a wonderful day we had on yesterday. The Lord certainly blessed all day long in the services. Yesterday morning was very encouraging in Sunday School. Brother Dave did a great job teaching on the preservation of the scriptures and showing the difference in the translations that we have today.

The morning service was such a blessing with great liberty to preach the Word of God in power and glory. I never tire of experiencing this and love it when the Lord gives you the boldness to declare His Word.

I got out of church and ran home to get a quick bite to eat and then flew up to the island ministry. The service at two o'clock was also blessed of the Lord. We had 11 people total and the Spirit of God moved in the meeting.

Our team flew back home (you will find several pictures on this blog entry of that)and made it back in plenty of time for choir practice. Our choir is learning some new songs for Memorial day. We had a tremendous choir practice and I thank the Lord for that. Our evening service was filled with scripture quoting, testifying, little Timmy preaching, special singing and myself preaching the Word of God to. Praise the Lord for all He did.

Yesterday was my Abby's birthday. She turned nine and we went to Pizza Hut after the service to celebrate. She is such a sweet girl and I love her so much as I do all my kids. I praise God for all He did on yesterday.

Today I'm going to put in windows on the mission plane. Also I will be working around the farm. I may fly up to Oxford to look at an excavator for our farm to. I'm confident that my boy and I will find a little time to play a few holes of golf. Everywhere I go I desire to share the gospel and see people saved. Pray for me that I will be a bold witness for Christ.

Pastor Todd Bell

Portland Maine through the clouds

Islands that need Christ and the little black spot is a C130 cargo plane
Views of the cockpit

Abby's party at Pizza Hut

May 17th 2009, 5:43 a.m.

Payton Allen catching a nap while he's eating a snack

Greetings in the Name that is above all Names the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ

My day was blessed of the Lord yesterday. I started out taking the Schoppes out for Breakfast. That was a wonderful time of fellowship and mentoring. They are doing wonderful as a family and I praise God for that.

In the afternoon my wife and I visited a family in Limerick. It was a blessing to have fellowship with them. We are praying God's will be done in regards to this family coming to our church.

The afternoon was spent readying ourselves for our Saturday Night Jubilee. Once again the Lord showed Himself mighty in our services. Their was a good spirit all through the night with two powerful messages by Alec Kindred and Joel Boyle. The singing was a blessing and fellowship was splendid. On top of that we had barbecue for our meal at the end. I praise the Lord for His blessings on the meeting.

I'm looking forward to another powerful day on this the Lord's day. Pray much for me that I would preach in the power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost. Pray also for souls to be saved and the saints of God stirred to follow Him.

Pastor Todd Bell

May 16th 2009 5:57 a.m.

This is some of the behind the scenes things that are involved in a formal dinner!!!
Mrs. Amy and Elisabeth at the formal dinner

Greetings in Jesus Name

The Lord Jesus Christ blessed all day long on yesterday. In the morning I went to the tractor store and picked up a mower deck to go on the back of my tractor. It's getting that time of year again and I praise the Lord for it. In the afternoon I prepared a message for our evening in Standish. What a great time we had together at the end of the year formal. My wife and Mrs. Ann put together an unbelievable night and I do appreciate all they did. Mrs. Sylvia and Mrs. Shelly helped out also. What a blessing to see the Lord working and moving in the hearts of those that were there. Toward the end of the night I preached a message out of 1 John on Walking as He walked. The Lord blessed and used me and for that I am so grateful. I never tire of giving out the eternal Word of God. What a thrill it is to see it's affect on the lives of all of us.

This morning I'm looking forward to a time of mentoring and fellowship with the Schoppe's. They are down today having some family time. What a blessing this family is. They are doing a good work there on the island of Islesboro and for that I am so grateful.

I'm looking forward to other times of visiting and studying today to. Tonight is going to be a great blessing at our Saturday night Jubilee. Bro. Boyle out of New England Baptist Bible College will be here preaching the Word of God and their will be others singing to. If you can, come on out for this great time.

Their are so many souls to reach here in this area. Pray with me and for me as we continue on preaching the Word of God and telling sinners far and wide Jesus Saves, Jesus Saves!!!!

Pastor Todd Bell

May 15th, 2009 6:50 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name Things are busy here this morning already. We went to bed at 1 a.m. and were up at 5 a.m. Their is much to be done to make for sure that the formal at Standish Baptist Academy is a success. I thank God for my beautiful wife and others that have helped her. Still their is alot that goes into these occasions that is behind the scenes. You that will be there tonight will have a wonderful time and my prayer is that Jesus Christ might have the preeminence in all things. I was very busy yesterday running around all over, visiting, sharing the gospel and working at the hanger. What a great day that I had serving the King. I'm looking forward to doing more of the same today. Pray for me tonight as I preach the Word of God to these young people and teachers. Pastor Todd Bell Josh and Ben waxing the Cherokee Six

May 14th 2009 5:31 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

The day has finally come. I'll let the video speak for itself. It was a great joy to give Bro. Dave this Cadillac. I pray God's blessings on his family and ministry!!!

Last night was a great service at the house of God. I appreciate the Lord meeting with us and the Spirit of God moving in our services. I believe we are experiencing a touch of God on our services and for that I am so grateful. To God be the Glory great things He has done.

I'm looking forward to a good day at the hanger working. Also this morning I'm getting a ride in a RV 6a. This should be fun. The guy is trying to sell it and of course would love for me to buy it.

Pastor Todd Bell

May 13th, 2009 5:36 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

My day on yesterday was a huge success. I praise God for all that He allowed me to accomplish all throughout the day. I enjoyed working at the hanger with Bro. Don and several others that had gathered to help with different projects. I scraped excess glue and caulk off where we are going to put in new windows. Praise the Lord that all the windows are ready to go in on the back.

What I really want to tell you is what happened last night. We have had a new couple coming to our church for about a month. It was a joy last night to be able to lead them both to the Lord. Can somebody say Glory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a thrill it is to see the Word of God generate faith to believe on Christ. When they arrived they were already ready to be saved. They had been studying there Bible for days and things had begin to click with them. There testimony was that things changed when they bought the KJV on Sunday at walmart. Interesting to hear them talk unprompted about the difference between the NIV and KJV. They said they will not ready the NIV again just the KJV. I was amazed as they testified of how God spoke to them as they studied together. The Lord be praised for all He is continuing to do. They are coming forward tonight at church and plan on getting baptized soon may be even this Sunday.

I'm looking forward to studying a good part of the day getting ready for service tonight and institute. I wouldn't miss tonight. There are alot of things planned that are going to be very exciting. Praise the Lord for His Goodness!!!!

Pastor Todd Bell

May 12th 2009 5:38 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name I made the road trip yesterday with Miss Elisabeth. We went to Vermont and had a wonderful time together. Both of us spent about eight hours learning and fellowshipping. It only got heated a few times but that was o.k. because we almost got killed twice. Not bad for eight hours of driving. Thank you for your prayers. I enjoyed witnessing to several people. Nobody got saved but I did share the gospel with many. What a thrill it is to do this but also how heart breaking to see how many people know nothing of the gospel. We are truly living in days where their is a ignorance of the Word of God. One girl by the name of Geneva I shared with for a while. She was very kind and I enjoyed debating with her. Pray for her as the Lord leads you. I was able to give her my soul winners new testament. She did not own a Bible. How exciting it was to give her one. Now I need another one but that's no big deal. After that my boy and I got out on the golf course for a few holes of relaxation. Trust me I needed it after those hours in the car with my student driver. We enjoyed a nice evening together with the family around the dinner table. Also on last night I made some visits at the hospital and some after pastoral duties. It was for sure a prosperous day. This morning I have a airport advisory committee meeting and then off to the airport for a day of work on the planes. How exciting this is going to be. Pray that God will use me for His glory all throughout this day. Pastor Todd Bell
Giving Geneva a Bible at Dartmouth College

May 11th, 2009 5:34 a.m.

The Pulpit grave Marker of Valentine Wightman the great Baptist preacher

Greetings in Jesus Name

What a beautiful morning the Lord has blessed us with here in Sanford Maine. It's kind of crisp out there. Looks like the tempature is around 42 degrees but I love it. This is one of my favorite times of the year as everything begins to bud out and the smell of the flowers is glorious. What a great God we serve. I am so grateful that He has called me to serve Him. Glory to God!!!! Our services were blessed on yesterday all day long. I so much appreciate the filling of the Holy Ghost all throughout the day in every service. This preacher does not take that for granted. In a day when so many have changed there standards it is so refreshing to have a church that is sticking to the old time way of having church.

I'm looking forward to spending some quality time with my oldest girl today. We are going to drive to Vermont and build some time on her driving permit. Pray!!!!!!! I need it!!!!!!! This is one of those precious responsibilities of being a dad.

Also today I will be talking to people about their soul. Oh to win more people to Christ and share with them the gospel. This is my heartbeat and what drives me daily. I'm praying for more churches to be started and if no other labourers come I'm praying the Lord will help me to just go at it ourselves.

As you pray please pray that God's will be done on a King Air. It would be a blessing if someone would come under the burden of donating one to our mission to use for church planting in this region. We would like to have the turbine reliability going up into the North. Thank you for your prayers.

I pray each of you have a tremendous day!!!

Pastor Todd Bell

May 10th, 2009 6:33 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

What a wonderful Saviour that gives us the privilege of serving Him. When I got up this morning my arms went up into the air praising Him for having the opportunity to serve Him. Glory to God and the Lamb for ever and ever!!!!! I'm glad I'm saved, can somebody say Amen!!!!!

It was a great day yesterday getting back to normal after being away for a week. I praise God for my family and the time we spent together.

I'm looking forward to a powerful day at the church house today. If your in the area come out and be a part of what our Great God is doing in our local church. What a blessing it is to have an old fashioned church in 2009. Pray for us today that we will see people saved and the saints of God stirred.

Pastor Todd Bell

May 9th, 2009 7:42 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

It's good to be back home after a week of being away from my family. I thank God for my beautiful family that He has blessed me with and what a joy it is to serve together on this mission field.

The trip was a blessing and it's always good to know our Baptist History that the Lord has blessed us with. Many do not realize that the Baptists paid a heavy price for liberty in the founding of our country. Most don't realize that they were persecuted by the religious establishment. Thank God that they stood strong and secured the separation of church and state so all would have the freedom to serve God as He declares from His Word.

I'm looking forward to study, prayer, and visitation today. May God give us powerful services on tomorrow as we worship Him.

Good to be back!

Pastor Todd Bell

May 8th, 2009 6:48 a.m.

Greetings In Jesus Name

I pray you are having a wonderful Friday. The Lord is to be praised for all He has done, is doing, and what He is going to do in the coming days. What an exciting time to be serving the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. What a wonderful Saviour that He is. I bless and praise His Name today.

Surely none of you have got over what our Lord has done for you. The scriptures declare, "beware lest thou forget." We all must be careful to not take things for granted. We are responsible to carry on the truths of the Word of God to the next generation. May our Lord find each of us faithful.

Our trip took us to James Island on yesterday to see the first Baptist Church in America established by John Clarke. What a great patriot and preacher this man was. He came from England with "the faith" and continued spreading that as he started churches all over this area. What a blessing it was to worship in the church that he extablished back in the 1600's.

From there we went to another sight to see where other great baptist preachers have preached and contended for the faith. Sad to say apostasy has set in there like it has in many of the places. We were greeted by a "woman pastor" that made me feel not so much at home. I thank God for woman but it is not their role to be the pastor of a church. The scripture gives qualifications for this and no where do you find them qualified to pastor. We toured anyway and reminded ourselves that all it takes is one generation not passing on the truths of the scriptures and that is what you will have. May the Lord challenge us to be faithful.

Today I'm not sure where we are heading but I beieve it will have to do with Obadiah Holmes. I'm looking forward to all the Lord has in store for us.

I understand that there were several that went to the hanger last night and yesterday to work on the airplanes. I appreciate what the Lord is doing in raising up labourers to help to this type of work. There for sure is not a shortage of things for us to do. Thanks to all those that helped and thanks to Don Wright for his leadership there.

Brethren, continue to pray for the preacher that God would help me to be all He desires for me to be.

Pastor Todd Bell

May 7th, 2009 6:52 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

Wow, what a wonderful trip that we are having. The Lord is blessing everywhere we go. We started on yesterday morning at the state house in Providence R.I. There we unveiled a portrait of the great Baptist preacher John Clarke. You will see the portrait in the pictures but it does not do it justice. The artist took almost a year to paint this portrait. It was neat to be there with Bro. Jeff Faggart and all the 80 preachers from across America. The secretary of state of R.I. accepted the gift that will be on loan to them until the new building is built in Rockwell N.C. Also there to speak was the senate president of R.I. It was a very memorable occasion and one that will not be soon forgotten. Also I was able to see the original copy of the "lively experiment" that Mr. Clarke worked so hard to get. My we owe a debt to our Baptist forefathers that have plowed a way for us.

After R.I. we went to Tremont Temple in Boston and spent the rest of the day touring sites all over the city. Before we left Boston all 80 preachers stood in front of Quincys Market and sang to the top of our lungs. You talking about a blessing. People came out of the wood work and begin to clap after we sang. The Lord was glorified and we bless His Name for that!! I got in the bed around 12a.m. and was back at it around 6 this morning. Thank you for your prayers.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow because I get to see my family and that will be wonderful. Pray for us that God would bless us and give us traveling mercies along the way.

I'm looking forward to once again enjoying worship services at other locations. We have been having up to two of these a day and it's a real blessing. Glory to God and Lamb forever!!!!!

Pastor Todd Bell

May 6th, 2009

Greetings in Jesus Name

Words can hardly describe the things we saw yesterday. My oh my how the Lord blessed as we went all over New England. We were part of two worship services and God moved in power and Glory.

Thank you for your prayers. I am stirred and I continue to be daily burdened to start more churches and see souls saved all throughout this region.

God Bless each of you and continue to pray for us as we are on this trip. We are currently in Rhode Island and are looking forward to a great day today.

Pastor Bell