May 2, 2009 6:39 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

The Lord has for sure blessed us these last few days. I am grateful for His traveling mercies that we experienced on Thursday night. My family and I were on our way to sing at a revival in Mass when we lost the rear end in the suburban. To God be the Glory no one was hurt and AAA bailed us out. We exchanged vans and then proceeded on our way. Their was 23 that went with us from the church. The service was excellent and the preaching was great with Bro. James Jones bringing the message. Afterwards we went to our favorite place to eat Kelly's Roast Beef!

My trip to Canada and back was blessed also on Thursday. As you deal with customs repeatedly it seems that is goes smoother. Praise the Lord for the opportunity to serve.

I enjoyed the day yesterday with my family and discipleship with the Fitzgerald's last night. What a joy to be able to share the truths of the Word of God with others and practically preach or teach every night of the week!!! Glory!!!!

Today my boy and I are playing in a golf tournament at our local course. We are looking forward to being a blessing and praying that we can have an impact on the peoples lives that we are around today.

This afternoon I hope to deliver the pulpit to Springfield Mass for Bro. Short.

Tonight we are excited to be teaching about the truths of discipleship to two families. Wow, what a day planned and to God be the Glory great things He has done!!!!!
A few pictures of our experience on the side of Interstate 95 waiting for the tow truck. Pray that God would provide the funds to repair the truck with 225,000 miles on it!!

1 comment:

Alec Kindred said...

Wow looks like you guys didn't make it a sower moment and you had fun even if satan tried to interfere!