Is a ministry out of the Calvary Baptist Church of Sanford Maine. Mark 1:38 is our theme verse. "And He said unto them, let us go into the next towns......" God is calling us to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Next Towns!!!!!
January 31st, 2010 6:45 a.m.
What a beautiful morning the LORD has given us. "This is the day" Glory!!!!!!!!!
I'm excited about 100% Sunday. Everyday is a 100% day but this day is emphasized as that. I can't wait to see what God is going to do in the meetings today.
Let's all come prepared to worship the LORD JESUS CHRIST! Pray for your teachers and the preacher that they would be ready to deliver what God has put on their hearts. Pray for the singers and the choir and orchestra. May our services today be like they were in the temple in Chronicles when the Glory of God filled the House and they could hardly minister for HIM!!
See u soon!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
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Janaury 29th 2010 5:35 a.m.
Ro 14:19 Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.
We must all understand that the Word of God is filled with commands. One might ask why all the commands. I would simply say because the things that are mentioned do not come naturally. We must purpose in our heart that we are going to do the things that are mentioned.
Here in our text today the scriptures declare that we are to follow after things that ultimately edify one another. Now we all must ask ourselves, are we doing this. I marvel in the ministry of how many hundreds of times our family has tried to help someone and build them up in their lives to only get scoffed at. At times this would discourage you but we trust solely in the Word of God. I am going to keep following after things that edify.
Brethren ask yourself today if you are involving yourself in things that build up or tear down? Undermining the Work of God by spending your day in backbiting and gossip will do nothing but tear the work of God down and also your life. Just STOP IT! Decide today and purpose in your heart that you are going to be an encourager and set about and do it daily. What a joy and delight your life will be and what a difference you will make in other peoples lives.
Pray for me today as I study, visit, and go preach two chapels up north. I'm thrilled about the prospects of the day. Yesterday was a tremendous day of babying my beautiful wife. She feels some better today.
I'm so glad God called me here to plant and pastor the Calvary Baptist Church of Sanford Maine. Let's all stay focused on the task at hand and see a work continue to be built for God's Glory and Honor!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
January 28th 2009 5:55 a.m.
What a great day I had on yesterday. I was busy in the morning fellowshipping with Bro. Grooms. In the afternoon I had a tremendous interview with the paper for an article about Haiti. Then we all got ready to go to the House of God. What a wonderful night we had in church. The service was packed with people, the Spirit of God moved, the choir sang great, the specials were uplifting and it was just a joyous night. Praise the LORD for all HE is doing in our midst.
I'm looking forward to the ministry today. I will be very busy with many different things through out the day. Please pray for my wife that the pain would continue to subside and she could feel better. She will be resting all day today. Oh yeah I have a special meeting today with a guy that I would appreciate your prayers on. I'm excited about all the prospects for ministry today!
I am still trying to find our information before I book a flight to Haiti. I want to be a wise steward of my time and if I'm needed I'll go but I do have plenty to do right here.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
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January 27th, 2010 5:30 a.m.
Are you enjoying reading through the Bible this year? I know I for sure am! I am grateful to God for His eternal Word that feeds my soul everyday.
My day yesterday was blessed of the Lord as I studied and went out soul winning and also had a wonderful staff meeting. I appreciate the 13 people that were present and others that were listening across the Internet at our secure site. It's exciting to see what God is doing through this ministry. I am very careful to give HIM all the Glory.
The Bible Institute last night was a great blessing. Pastor Jamey Grooms preached on The Gospel out of 1 Corinthians 15 and I preached out of Psalms 126. The Lord married both messages together and our first night of Soul Winning training is off and running. It's going to be a great class.
Today Pastor Grooms and I are going to hang around and fellowship. I'm also looking forward to the service tonight. Oh that God would move in power and glory on the meeting!!
I just got an e-mail from Operation Renewed Hope. They are in bad need of pilots in Haiti to fly singles and twins! What do I do???
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
January 26th 2010 5:52 a.m.
It's a wonderful morning in Maine. We got pounded with rain yesterday. It's pretty normal to get a January thaw but this one was a little excessive. I'm glad our God knows what's best.
Yesterday was a tremendous day with my wife. I spent most of the day with her making sure she was o.k. The Dr. is waiting another week to put the final cast on her. Abigail hung out with us all day. We all had a good time.
On the way home we stopped by the Music Store in Falmouth and looked at new trombones. I bought a Bach Stradivarius. This will be the last time I buy an instrument because it's the best. I got a good discount because it had a little scratch on it but still it was pricey. I have 90 days same as cash to pay for it. I'm excited to be able to play it in our church orchestra.
This morning I will study and seek the face of God. Staff meeting is at 9. After that my wife and I are going soul winning. Then I will prepare for the evening Bible Institute. My friend from Nova Scotia will be here tonight also. It's going to be a wonderful day.
Oh yeah, Bro. Greg came in last night to stay with us. He's only here for a day. We had some good fellowship.
Pray for Cherith. I was up at 1 a.m. this morning cleaning up you know what? She now has what Abigail had. This is just great but God knows!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
January 25th 2010 7:16 a.m.
I had a wonderful day on yesterday. God moved in power and glory in all three services. What a joy to be a preacher of the Gospel. We had a good crowd in all of the services but no one was saved. Continue to pray that we can see some people saved. This is one of the main reasons we are here. We also are here to feed the saints. I feel the Lord met with us yesterday and fed us all from the Word of God.
Today I will take care of my wife and make for sure that she is all set. I have to take her to the Dr. and then back home to my study. I'm looking forward to a powerful day of service.
Pray for traveling mercies and for one of our planes that is leaving in a few minutes for Haiti. What a thrill to be able to have these tools for the gospel. If you would like to track it go to and you will be able to see it's flight path in and out of places. Sometimes the coverage is not real good down in the islands.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
January 24th 2010 6:26 a.m.
The breakfast in the barn was a huge success on yesterday morning. We had a barn full (my woodworking shop where their was heat because it was -2 outside) of men praying together and Pastor Dijacomo preaching to us. Praise the Lord for this good time.
I spent the rest of the day fellowshipping with our guests and reading some.
I am thrilled about this Sunday. Please pray that God would give me power and anointing as I share the Word of God. I am praying so fervently that someone will get saved today. I'm looking forward to preaching from Titus.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
January 23rd 2010 6 a.m.
Today is breakfast in the barn with all the men coming over and having a time of eating and fellowship. Pastor Chris Dijacomo will be preaching and we look forward to a good time together.
Yesterday one of our mission planes took off for south Florida. It made it last night around 8. It was about a 10 hour trip but praise the Lord for traveling mercies for Dave Crispell.
Today I will be studying alot and working around the house. I'm excited about the day tomorrow.
Pray much for our family as we serve God here in this area.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
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January 22nd 2010 5:39 a.m.
In my through the Bible readings I read yesterday in Leviticus 6:13 " The fire shall ever be burning upon the altar; it shall never go out". God told the Israelites that the fires of sacrifice were to burn forever. Is that not the way it should be for us everyday. We should forever be burning for the Lord. Are you on fire for the LORD? Oh, I want to burn with a passion for the lost and the ministry God has called me to. I want to burn to be a Man of God! I want to burn to be the best preacher, husband, dad, Christian the Lord would have for me to be. How bout we be a people that are on FIRE for the Lord!!!
My day was blessed on yesterday. I studied till lunch and then flew down to Boston Logan to pick up Dave Crispell. That was kind of fun flying into the big airport. I took Dorothy and Eleanor with me. They seemed to enjoy it also. I finished training Bro. Dave and he is ready to depart this morning for Haiti. It's going to be a blessing to see our plane used for God's Glory. The Lord has given us all these things to steward them for Him. What a joy to manage them in such a way as to bring Glory to God. "Honor the Lord with thy substance" the scriptures declare. We must all make for sure that we are doing that.
Last night I studied some more. It was a great day.
Today I will study this morning and then take Dave to the airport around 8. He will have a long flight back to south Florida. I have a hospital visit to make and then a pastor and his family our coming up around 1. They will stay with us through tomorrow. I also have to get all my stuff together for "Breakfast in the Barn." We are going to have a prayer meeting and devotions in the barn on Saturday Morning here at 180 Grammar Road. Come on out! In the evening I am going to the Christian schools basketball game. Benjamin scored alot of points last week. I hope he does good this week. It's a busy day planned but it's wonderful to be saved and serving!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
January 21st 2010 5:36 a.m.
I had a very busy but wonderful day on yesterday. I find myself studying a lot more this year. I have made a promise to the Lord to read through the Word of God so many times. I'm loving every minute of it but it does keep me in my study alot.
As I was reading on yesterday I read about the cloud! Actually the scriptures declare it the "cloud of the LORD". I made a radio broadcast on it yesterday also. I wonder if the cloud of the LORD is upon our tabernacle. It was in Exodus and I want it to be on Calvary Baptist Church of Sanford. The Glory of the Lord that descends on a church changes that church for God's Glory and Honor.
Today I will study and visit and fly to Boston to pick up Dave Crispell. He will be taking our plane to Haiti. Pray much for him and the plane that God will use both for His Glory!
My ministry of taking care of my wife will continue also. The Lord be praised that everyday she is slowly improving. Please continue to pray for her.
I'm still thrilled with the prospects of moving forward for the Lord in this town. Please pray for a quick sale of our building and the funds to proceed for the building we are trying to get. Thank you so much for your prayers.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
January 20th, 2010 6:34 a.m.
In my through the Bible readings on yesterday I was reminded once again the power that is in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. There the lame man that had been healed in Acts 3 stood. The crowd and religious of the day wanted to know why this man was healed. "And His Name through faith in His Name hath made this man strong."
Give HIM the Glory today! Why would you want to choose whining over worship? Why just commit to the Word, Walking in the Spirit, Warring a good warfare, witness to everyone you can and realizing your on the winning side! Now Brethren that's the way to live!!
Mrs. Amy is slowly improving. I had to take her back to Portland on yesterday and they put a new cast on her arm. Continue to pray.
Tonight is our Wednesday night service. Come prepared to meet God face to face through Worship and the Word! Hopefully our choir is ready to sing tonight. I am thrilled about the series through Proverbs and looking forward to a great time!
What a joy to serve!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
January 19th, 2010 5:38 a.m.
Someone must reach the cold communities of our world with the Gospel. God has called our family to come to this area. Yesterday was a real reminder of one of the things that's involved. When you get over a foot of snow it takes a while to clean it all up. I plowed, blew snow, and shoveled a good part of the day and I'm still not finished because more snow is coming today. Praise the Lord for His call to this area to reach these people.
Please continue to pray for Mrs. Amy and myself as she recovers. She doesn't sleep well still and guess what, I don't either. The good thing she gets naps during the day but I don't so I need supernatural strength to continue. Pray for her continued healing.
I'm thrilled about starting our soul winners course tonight at church. It's going to be wonderful to train some soul winners for this area and see us all reach some people with the gospel.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
January 18th 2010 7:05 a.m.
What a wonderful day we had on yesterday. The Holy Ghost was evident as He filled the choir, singers and me to preach the Word of God. It is so important that we have a church that is sensitive to the Spirit of God as He moves in and through our services. When this happens He brings glory to the Son of God the Lord Jesus Christ. That's what He promised He would do in John 16. May each of us live and walk in that.
The crowds were also wonderful in the meeting on yesterday. Praise the Lord for all He is doing in our local church.
It looks like we have gotten a strong 10 inches of snow so far this morning. I will be out and about cleaning that up a good part of the day. That is part of living in this state and region. I just love it and praise God for the opportunity to minister for Him here.
Brethren please continue to pray for Mrs. Amy. She is improving some but has a long way to go. We covet your prayers for her and our family as she recovers from this wrist surgery.
Have a glorious day serving the King.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
January 17th 2010 7:11 a.m.
What a glorious day on yesterday and last night was the icing on the cake. We probably had over 120 out for the Saturday night jubilee. The preaching was great the singing was stirring and the fellowship was sweet. What a wonderful Saviour we Serve.
Pray much for me today as I preach the Word of God that it would be coupled with God's Power and touch on my life. Oh how I long and want to live in the fullness of the Holy Ghost.
Mrs. Amy is slowly improving. Today I will come down some on her medicine as the pain is slowly going away. I think the surgery was a little more involved than what she thought. The Lord knows and we trust Him.
See you in church real soon.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
January 16th 2010 8:33 a.m.
I am excited about tonight's Saturday Night Jubilee. You will not want to miss tonight. Bro. Brian Wilkins will be preaching and him and his wife will be singing and providing music for the service. I am praying for the power of God to move in a wonderful way!
Please continue to pray for Mrs. Amy. She is in extreme pain and didn't sleep much last night. She's need healing from the HEALER!
I'm excited about studying a bunch today and working around the house. I also will make some visits and do my best to see somebody saved.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
January 15th 2010 5:40 a.m.
Thank you to all of you that prayed for Mrs. Amy. She is resting well now and the pain comes and goes with the medicine she is taking. She did sleep some last night. I was up with her every three hours to make for sure she was taking the proper amount of medication. I praise the Lord for my beautiful wife and it's a joy to serve her.
Today I will hang around the house and wait on her and keep everything in order in the house. Also I will use all the time I can to study and plan for upcoming events. I am still writing a ministry handbook and code of conduct for our local church. Also I am finishing up the planner for Wings with "The Word" and all of this years missions.
Don Wright and his helpers are doing the annual on the Cherokee Six presently. Please pray for that ministry and our future missions. We need wisdom constantly about the planes and finances to run that ministry. It's a big vision but we must be marked by vision to make a difference in this region.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
January 14th, 2010 5:41 a.m.
I had a great day on yesterday. I was busy in my study and flying down to Beverly Mass. to try my best to win a man to Christ. It didn't happen yesterday. Maybe it will this Sunday when he comes to church.
Our service last night was wonderful. The special songs and message encouraged me. I am really enjoying preaching through Proverbs. It's going to be an uplifting and educational experience to look at every verse in the Book.
Today is marked out for my wife's surgery on her wrist. Her wrist has been broke since she was 17 so it's about time it gets fixed. Please pray that the surgery would be a success!
I will be doing some extra motherly duties for quite a while on top of the other stuff. Thank you for your prayers.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
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January 13th 2010 6:02 a.m
At the Sanford regional airport it is currently -5 on the thermometer. It's a cold day but thanks be unto God for a warm house and "Willy the Wood boiler and the preacher that fills him!"
Yesterday was an exciting day of study, soulwinning, Bible Institute and helping my beautiful wife. I worked hard all day from around 5:30 till around 9:30 last night. Isn't it just wonderful to be able to serve the Lord all day long everyday?!!
Today I want everyone to pray for me as I fly down to another town in Mass. and try to win a man to Christ. I want to see this man saved and delivered from his wicked lifestyle. Please pray for traveling mercies and for his heart to be open to the Gospel.
Also I will be preparing for our service tonight. May each of us come prepared spiritually and physically to hear from heaven!! I will be anxiously awaiting the service all day with anticipation of what our Great God is going to do!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
January 12th 2010 5:45 a.m.
I had a terrific day on yesterday. It started about with devotions and a good time in my study. Then staff meeting at 9 a.m. It was longer than normal but I was able to share my heart with the volunteer staff of our church. What a great group of people that God has assembled in this town. My wife and I went out and got a bite to eat and then back to my study till around 3. My boy and I spent some quality time together skiing for a few hours as you can tell by the video that is under this update. Mrs. Amy and I finally made it to bed around 12.
Today is going to be an exciting day with soul winning, study, guests coming over for lunch (a new family that visited the church on Sunday) and Bible Institute tonight. I'm looking forward to a tremendous time serving the Lord today.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Ski Trip with my Boy
January 11th, 2010 7:34 a.m.
What a tremendous and powerful day the Lord granted to us on yesterday. It was "vision day" 2010. All the services were packed and the Spirit of God moved in power and glory also. In the morning services we had alot of visitors for which I praise God. What a blessing to see the excitement of serving God in a brand new decade. In the night service I shared with the congregation about our theme for the new year which is "let us pass over unto the other side." This year I sense is going to be an "other side" year. Their was winds, waves, water, and worries but in the ship with the disciples was the Wonderful Saviour!!! Therefore they were headed to the other side. Wow Wee!!!! Were on our way and I am SO GLAD that HES in the boat!! Also the yearly calender was handed out detailing every date for the new year.
Today is staff meeting this morning and then study and visiting throughout the rest of the day. This afternoon my boy and I are going to go skiing so that should be a fun little getaway.
I'm excited about this brand new week to serve the Lord!!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
January 10th, 2010 5:22 a.m.
I'm excited to be in my study this morning preparing to go and feed the sheep the Good Shepherd has entrusted to my flock. I want to fill the feed bin with plenty of good nutrient blessings. Please pray for me as I minister the Word of God today!
Yesterday I studied, flew over to a lake and landed on it and ate at a little cafe, studied some more and cleaned out Willy the Wood boiler. I also had a chance to hand out a few Gospel tracts. My wife and I have worked on the calender and the theme for the new year. I'm looking forward to today's service as I will share the theme tonight and hand out the calender for the year. I am praying for a powerful and exciting day of ministry. Oh that someone would get saved today and the power of God would move in a mighty way in the services. Don't forget that tonight is vision night and I will share the vision of this local church and others can also share theirs.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
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January 9th, 2009 8:16 a.m.
I had a great day yesterday. Most of the time was spent in my study. I will be another several days maybe weeks getting everything finished that is part of my vision for the year. I am in the process now of finishing up the calender and having it ready to present on Sunday night. Also on Sunday night I will be preaching on our theme for the year. I am excited to see what God is going to do!!!
The kids games were good last night at Turner. Pastor Garnette prayed, preached, and gave an invitation at the game. That doesn't happen in public schools. I loved it!!
Today I will be in my study most of the day again. I will go out soul winning some to meet some people and try to get some visitors there on tomorrow so they can hear the gospel and be saved. Also I plan to take a quick trip over to the ice runway on Alton Bay. It's going to be an exciting day!!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
January 8th, 2009 5:49 a.m.
I had a glorious morning yesterday as I flew up and spent some time with Bill Schoppe. This ministry of mentoring is needed and it's good for everybody. I praise the Lord for how HE helped me.
In the afternoon I spent several hours working with the yearly calender. My wife and I finished it last night. We have a few more dates to put on it and then we will be ready to present it Sunday night at Vision Night 2010. I'm pumped about this night.
Today I have several appointments with my wife as she is beginning the process of the surgery on her wrist. I always love spending time with her.
I also will be studying and visiting some today. With anytime left I am continuing to work on a ministry handbook for our church. Alot to do this month but it's working out great. I praise God for how HE is growing me into this new phase of ministry.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
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January 7th, 2009 5:37 a.m.
It's a beautiful morning as I type out this blog. I'm looking forward to a tremendous day of mentoring and fellowship. I am due to fly out of Sanford around 8 this morning to Wiscasset. I will pick up a preacher there and then we head north to Rockland. I'm excited to be involved in this great ministry of training others. Before I go I will be busy in my study with morning readings and study.
Yesterday was just a tremendous day of study and preparation. I am loving this year of reading through the Bible so many times. God is really speaking to me and I sense I am growing in the Lord. The service last night was a huge blessing. I started a series through Proverbs. What an encouragement this is going to be! We also had a buisness meeting last night to vote to sell our building. Today our building will go up for sale and we will pray that it will sale in God's timing so we can move forward. Praise the Lord for this! Please pray with us.
Have a glorious day.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
January 6th, 2010 5:50 a.m.
I had a wonderful day on yesterday of study. I stayed all day in the study working on different projects in the Word of God and planning. I appreciate Him helping me throughout the whole day.
The Bible institute last night was a blessing as I taught on the Doctrine of God. It's very overwhelming when the finite tries to teach on the infinite but it was a joy to try.
Today I will be studying and preparing for tonight's service. Also I will preparing the calender and filling dates. I have a few more things to finish my closet project. Mrs. Amy is painting and I probally will help her some today. She painted till 9 last night.
I'm looking forward to seeing everybody tonight. Let's all come prepared and see what God is going to do in the services. It's a joy to come and corporately worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
January 5th 2009 5:39 a.m.
What a terrific Tuesday the Lord has for us today. It's another day to enjoy serving Him! Oh how I love Jesus, O how I love Jesus, Oh how I love Jesus because He first loved me!
Thanks for praying for me on yesterday. The meeting went wonderful and man I talked to was very kind and considerate. Pray the Lord's will be done in regards to the missionary flights going to Greenland and Baffin Island this year.
I had many projects that got completed on yesterday for which I am grateful. Also I had many oppurtunities to share the gospel and hand out litature to. It's wonderful to track each time you are able to talk to someone. It really adds up at the end of the day. Oh that God would save these people.
My closet project got completed last night. Now all it needs is paint. Praise the Lord for how He has helped me. My wife is estatic!
I'm looking forward to studying, soulwinning, Bible Institute among many other things that I will be doing today. So many oppurtunitys to serve. Glory!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
Janaury 4th, 2009 6:24 a.m.
What a glorious day we had yesterday at the House of God. In spite of the snow we still had good crowds for both services. The Spirit of God filled me and helped me to preach what He had put on my heart. Actually my heart is running over with all that God is doing. I'm pumped with the thoughts of this new year and the transition that we are going through to make it all happen.
Please pray for me today as I am busy about the ministry. One of the things that I need special prayer for is a meeting with the Vice President of Wiggins Airways. Pray the Lord gives me favour.
Do you have a plan for the year, month, week, day? That's a huge part of our vision for our church this year. I preached about that all day on yesterday. We are at a place now that we are going to plan out things for the year. When your smaller you can get by with it but we are preparing to grow and we want everything in place in light of this! Glory to God for all that HE is doing!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
January 3rd, 2009 6:02 a.m.
What a joy to be saved and serving the Lord!
We are having church this morning at 10:30. Dig your way out and come and be a part of what God is doing in our local church and this area.
I turned the lights on outside just a minute ago and it's snowing very hard. I will be in my study this morning and then take the tractor down to clear out the parking lots so we can park. I'm excited and pumped!! Were not sissys were Mainahs!!
Praise the Lord for His many blessings and all that HE is going to do today in and through the services.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
January 2nd, 2009 7:51 a.m.
It's a wonderful and beautiful day as I type out this blog entry. The snow is coming down hard and a sight to see. I'm excited about a good day of study, prayer, and work around the house.
Yesterday I spent the first four hours of my day in the study and then worked the rest of the day putting in a closet for my wife and myself. One of the things about a farm house is way back then they didn't have but a couple sets of clothes. Were spoiled! Most of our clothes we keep around for different times in our life as we grow and shrink! Ha!! A little paint and organization today and that closet will be up and running. Working with horse hair plaster and little strips of wood is no walk in the park, but the Lord was gracious and I learned so much!
Last night the McClains wanted to spend some time with us so we enjoyed the fellowship with them. Pray for them as they seek God's will.
We will let everyone know about tomorrow as soon as we can so you will know how to plan. It looks like it's going to be a bad storm but no one really knows. We will wait and see what happens.
Back to the study!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
January 1st 2010 5:39 a.m.
Our family made it home yesterday from a few days of vacation. The truth is we all get tired of being away from home after about three days. We enjoyed our time and it was special to have a few days together. We skied a little and then read alot and prayed to seek the face of God in light of the new year that is now upon us.
My heart is full and I desire to share what God is doing in our local church. It looks like I may have to wait a little while to do that in light of a major snow storm that we are getting this weekend. The Lord knows and I trust Him to work out all the details. I still sense that this is going to be a huge year for us. Oh that each of us will walk close to Him and see what He will do in 2010. What a joy to be able to serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Today after my morning of study and prayer and I will putting closet doors in our bedroom, painting, and making a bed frame. Mrs. Amy is due to have surgery in a few weeks on her broken wrist so we must get this finished. I am excited about it and praise God for giving us the talents to be able to do stuff like this our self. It's going to be a very busy day but I think we can get it all done today.
As you pray please keep our church here in Sanford on your prayer list. Oh that God would rend the heavens and keep us living out the truths of walking in the Spirit. We can live in revival each and every day but we all must be sensitive to the Holy Ghost every minute of the day. It's amazing to me the things that we do not call sin! We gripe, groan, wine, complain, belly ache, talk bad about other people etc.... and think theirs nothing wrong with that. My friend that grieves and quenches the Holy Ghost and causes us and our church not to walk in fullness. We must have the fullness to experience victorious and vibrant Christianity. May the Lord grant that in each of our lives.
I must go and study some more on my own but I pray each of you have a glorious day.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell