Greetings in the Marvelous and Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
Ro 14:19 Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.
We must all understand that the Word of God is filled with commands. One might ask why all the commands. I would simply say because the things that are mentioned do not come naturally. We must purpose in our heart that we are going to do the things that are mentioned.
Here in our text today the scriptures declare that we are to follow after things that ultimately edify one another. Now we all must ask ourselves, are we doing this. I marvel in the ministry of how many hundreds of times our family has tried to help someone and build them up in their lives to only get scoffed at. At times this would discourage you but we trust solely in the Word of God. I am going to keep following after things that edify.
Brethren ask yourself today if you are involving yourself in things that build up or tear down? Undermining the Work of God by spending your day in backbiting and gossip will do nothing but tear the work of God down and also your life. Just STOP IT! Decide today and purpose in your heart that you are going to be an encourager and set about and do it daily. What a joy and delight your life will be and what a difference you will make in other peoples lives.
Pray for me today as I study, visit, and go preach two chapels up north. I'm thrilled about the prospects of the day. Yesterday was a tremendous day of babying my beautiful wife. She feels some better today.
I'm so glad God called me here to plant and pastor the Calvary Baptist Church of Sanford Maine. Let's all stay focused on the task at hand and see a work continue to be built for God's Glory and Honor!!
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
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