Greetings in the Marvelous Name of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ
Thank you to all of you that prayed for Mrs. Amy. She is resting well now and the pain comes and goes with the medicine she is taking. She did sleep some last night. I was up with her every three hours to make for sure she was taking the proper amount of medication. I praise the Lord for my beautiful wife and it's a joy to serve her.
Today I will hang around the house and wait on her and keep everything in order in the house. Also I will use all the time I can to study and plan for upcoming events. I am still writing a ministry handbook and code of conduct for our local church. Also I am finishing up the planner for Wings with "The Word" and all of this years missions.
Don Wright and his helpers are doing the annual on the Cherokee Six presently. Please pray for that ministry and our future missions. We need wisdom constantly about the planes and finances to run that ministry. It's a big vision but we must be marked by vision to make a difference in this region.
A Servant for Christ
Pastor Todd Bell
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