January 22nd 2010 5:39 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

In my through the Bible readings I read yesterday in Leviticus 6:13 " The fire shall ever be burning upon the altar; it shall never go out". God told the Israelites that the fires of sacrifice were to burn forever. Is that not the way it should be for us everyday. We should forever be burning for the Lord. Are you on fire for the LORD? Oh, I want to burn with a passion for the lost and the ministry God has called me to. I want to burn to be a Man of God! I want to burn to be the best preacher, husband, dad, Christian the Lord would have for me to be. How bout we be a people that are on FIRE for the Lord!!!

My day was blessed on yesterday. I studied till lunch and then flew down to Boston Logan to pick up Dave Crispell. That was kind of fun flying into the big airport. I took Dorothy and Eleanor with me. They seemed to enjoy it also. I finished training Bro. Dave and he is ready to depart this morning for Haiti. It's going to be a blessing to see our plane used for God's Glory. The Lord has given us all these things to steward them for Him. What a joy to manage them in such a way as to bring Glory to God. "Honor the Lord with thy substance" the scriptures declare. We must all make for sure that we are doing that.

Last night I studied some more. It was a great day.

Today I will study this morning and then take Dave to the airport around 8. He will have a long flight back to south Florida. I have a hospital visit to make and then a pastor and his family our coming up around 1. They will stay with us through tomorrow. I also have to get all my stuff together for "Breakfast in the Barn." We are going to have a prayer meeting and devotions in the barn on Saturday Morning here at 180 Grammar Road. Come on out! In the evening I am going to the Christian schools basketball game. Benjamin scored alot of points last week. I hope he does good this week. It's a busy day planned but it's wonderful to be saved and serving!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

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