January 31st, 2010 6:45 a.m.

Greetings in the Strong Name of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ

What a beautiful morning the LORD has given us. "This is the day" Glory!!!!!!!!!

I'm excited about 100% Sunday. Everyday is a 100% day but this day is emphasized as that. I can't wait to see what God is going to do in the meetings today.

Let's all come prepared to worship the LORD JESUS CHRIST! Pray for your teachers and the preacher that they would be ready to deliver what God has put on their hearts. Pray for the singers and the choir and orchestra. May our services today be like they were in the temple in Chronicles when the Glory of God filled the House and they could hardly minister for HIM!!

See u soon!!

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

1 comment:

vrbane said...

Brother: Friday night i went to bed and all i could hear was you saying Wings with the Word, blog spot...i woke up several times during the night praying for you and your family. I listen to you on WGCR every day at 3:30..right before my brother comes on...I guess this was Gods way of letting you know there are people listening to you that you dont know and you never know what words the Holy Ghost uses to catch our hearts. God bless u and yours..