January 10th, 2010 5:22 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

I'm excited to be in my study this morning preparing to go and feed the sheep the Good Shepherd has entrusted to my flock. I want to fill the feed bin with plenty of good nutrient blessings. Please pray for me as I minister the Word of God today!

Yesterday I studied, flew over to a lake and landed on it and ate at a little cafe, studied some more and cleaned out Willy the Wood boiler. I also had a chance to hand out a few Gospel tracts. My wife and I have worked on the calender and the theme for the new year. I'm looking forward to today's service as I will share the theme tonight and hand out the calender for the year. I am praying for a powerful and exciting day of ministry. Oh that someone would get saved today and the power of God would move in a mighty way in the services. Don't forget that tonight is vision night and I will share the vision of this local church and others can also share theirs.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

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