Greetings in the Blood Stained Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
What a glorious day I had on yesterday. Most of the day was spent in my study preparing for the evening message. I appreciate the Lord speaking to me from His Word and helping me to share the Word of God last night. I also played my trombone for the first time in the service. What a joy it is to see my lips finally in shape and able to blow the trombone a little.
At the end of the message a lady came forward and trusted Christ as her Saviour!!! Glory to God!!!!!! One of our new couples that has just been saved two weeks brought her along. Now isn't that the way it's suppose to work?
Also on last night I felt burdened to help Bro. Arnold Worley with Transporters for Jesus to pay off his truck loan. Our church gave him a thousand dollars and filled his truck up with diesel. What a joy it is to be a giving church. I pray that God will continue to bless and move as we love missionaries and the Work of God they are involved in.
Today I'm looking forward to my study time in my office and devotion time. After that I plan on working at the airport on the windows. Maybe I will have some time to go up and do some IFR work. The weather is rainy and low clouds here so it will be a good day to work on instrument stuff. Tonight Mrs. Amy has her ladies meeting. That should be a great blessing for all the ladies.
Thank you for your prayers and love for us.
Pastor Todd Bell
Nice IFR I've been learning about that. Are you studying up for the license to instruct young men like me? I'm excited to do some work!
What a blessing it was to witness a soul being saved last night in church amen. Pastor Me and my family love and pray for your family every day. I am excited to see the sweet Holy Spirit moving in our church. that's what happens when you stick with the right book. amen Love and prayers Bro Philip and family.
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