I spent most of the day in prayer with my eyes closed trying to find relief from the pain with this eye. I look a site. It's kind of suspicious like my wife walloped me a good one. But she did..............n't. Ha!
Continue to pray much for me that I would heal. I'm just being still waiting on the Lord to release me again to get out and work.
Today I will study and pray and possibly be able to do more but will have to wait and see how I progress.
It's looks like we are going to get a shuttle bus. Our friends in Kentucky are going to give us a 24 passenger bus. It's a 88 diesel in good shape. We will have to reupholster some seats but other than that not real bad. Bro. Dave will go and get it next weeks Lord willing.
I started a book yesterday. Got about three pages wrote thus far.
I love each of you and keep telling others of Jesus and His love.
Pastor Todd Bell