June 16, 2009 7:44 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

What a glorious day the Lord has given us to serve Him. Of course everyday is a glorious day to serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Are you grateful today for what Jesus Christ has done for you? An attitude of gratitude is a conscious decision that we must make in our life. Why not just put your hands high up in the air right now and bless the Name of the Lord for all He has done for you and is doing for you and will do for you!!!! Glory!!!! Whoopee!!!! As some have said before Hot Dog!!!!

I had a great time yesterday serving the Lord. Bro. Alec Kindred, Bro. Josh, Benjamin and myself went to the hanger and worked all morning. We got alot accomplished on the planes. After lunch I went and paid for the the Hitachi Excavator. Lord willing it will be delivered here on Thursday and we will get to the task of digging stumps and readying dad's house to be built. Pray much that everything will go smooth. I went back to the airport and finished putting in the pilots side window. What a blessing to check another one off the list. Now we only have three left. Were waiting for the Rosen sun visors to come and then we will finish putting in the rest of the windows. My boy and I played nine holes of golf and then my beautiful wife cooked a huge evening meal. After that we went and picked up our van that had it's windshield replaced. We got home around 9:30 and called it a day. A good 16 hours of blessing for the King!!!!!

Pray much for me today as I will be busy about the Father's Buisness all day long. I'll let you know how it goes on tommorow. I will be at the airport, visting, counseling and soul winning today.

Pastor Todd Bell

Bro. Don holding up the new firewall for the Piper Warrior

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