June 28th, 2009 7:24 a.m.

The unfinished pulpit in the shop!
The finished pulpit with the happy pastor behind it!

Greetings in Jesus Name

I had a great day at the airport on yesterday. I ended up running the unicom frequency and directing planes in the morning. In the afternoon we had a picnic at the ministry hanger. It was a blessing and the fellowship was wonderful.

I studied for a little while in the afternoon and then made our way up to Baldwin to deliver the little surprise I have been working on for the last few weeks. What a blessing to be part of that service. May the Gospel of Christ continue to be preached there in that community. I love you Pastor Kindred, keep up the good work.

Today, it's CHURCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Where the Spirit of the Lord is their is liberty."!!!! OH for the touch of the Holy Ghost to preach the Word of God. I'm praying for a powerful day of ministry. Pray that souls are saved and the saints of God are encouraged!!!!!

Pastor Bell

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