June 4th 2009, 6:13 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

I had a great day on yesterday. My morning was spent in my study preparing for the evening at the House of God. The services were a great blessing. I appreciate the Lord helping me to share my burden that the Mission of Missions is the local churches responsibility. May the God of Heaven help us to carry out His orders and be faithful to win souls and start other churches.

Josh and I spent several hours putting in windows on the Cessna 402. The picture shows what we got done on yesterday. What a blessing to be able to get both sides finished. Now we can concentrate on the pilot and co-pilot and the window job will be complete. Praise the Lord for all that is getting done.

Pray much for me today as Mrs. Dorothy, Miss Eleanor and myself minister at the funeral of Phyllis Phaup here in town. Pray that the power of God will be our portion and the Lord will grant liberty to share the scriptures and comfort the family. I'm looking forward to a time of rejoicing in celebration of her life.

Also today I will work at the airport some and help my wife with some chores around the house.

Thank you in advance for your prayers.

Pastor Todd Bell

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