June 1st 2009 5:47 a.m.

This is the team we took to the island yesterday. The pilot was taking the picture!!

Greetings in the Blood Stained Name of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ

Wow!!! What a day yesterday. We had a great time in Sunday School and the morning service. The service was packed and we baptized three after the morning service. The Spirit of God was moving and working all through the meetings on yesterday. What a thrill it is to see this and I bless the Lord for His faithfulness. I really sense that God is putting things together for us to move to another place in His timing. After the morning service we flew to Islesboro and were once again blessed by the preaching of Greg. It was stirring!! On the way back I ran into thunderstorms and had to put the plane down at Wiscasset. God had ordered that storm because David at that airport needed some encouragement. We ended up having a mini worship service their in the FBO building. He said he believed it was the first of that kind there. The Lord moved as we sang the hymns of faith and had a prayer meeting. Glory to God for Him ordering this. After our meeting the Thunderstorm had passed through and we were on our way back to Sanford. We were 30 minutes late for the service but it all worked out. God once again moved in power and glory in the Sunday night service. Oh how I bless His Name for all He is doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glory to God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone hold my mules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whoopee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pastor Todd Bell

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