June 30th 2009 8:04 a.m.

Greetings in Jesus Name

I spent most of the day in prayer with my eyes closed trying to find relief from the pain with this eye. I look a site. It's kind of suspicious like my wife walloped me a good one. But she did..............n't. Ha!

Continue to pray much for me that I would heal. I'm just being still waiting on the Lord to release me again to get out and work.

Today I will study and pray and possibly be able to do more but will have to wait and see how I progress.

It's looks like we are going to get a shuttle bus. Our friends in Kentucky are going to give us a 24 passenger bus. It's a 88 diesel in good shape. We will have to reupholster some seats but other than that not real bad. Bro. Dave will go and get it next weeks Lord willing.

I started a book yesterday. Got about three pages wrote thus far.

I love each of you and keep telling others of Jesus and His love.

Pastor Todd Bell


Judy said...

Praying for you!

Fryman Family said...

AMEN!!!!! So happy to hear about the blessings! We are praying for you as you try to heal!

Flyboy said...

I'm praying for you! I hope you get well soon.

Anonymous said...

pray you get better