October 11th 2009 5:27 a.m.

Greetings in the Blood Stained Name of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ

What a mighty God we serve. I bless His Holy Name today for the opportunity to serve Him. It is the thrill of my life to be entrusted with the gospel. Glory to God and the Lamb forever!!

The ladies conference on yesterday was a huge success. Their was over 100 ladies from all over the state of Maine there. I understand that Mrs. Kay Messer did a wonderful job teaching the ladies.

I appreciate my wife and the hard work she did to spearhead this conference. Also the ladies of our church really rallied together to make this a successful meeting. Were already planning toward next year.

I had a good time of studying and work yesterday. Also got a chance to play in a golf tournament. This will be the last one of the year. It was a joy and delight and it's always good to build relationships with others.

Pray for me today as I preach all day. I realize that the filling of the Holy Ghost is a personal thing that is contingent upon my own walk with God but it's good to know that your praying for me as I minister the Word of God.

A Servant for Christ

Pastor Todd Bell

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